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RE: STEEMIT seems under valued, do the elite fear the STEEM Blockchain? DTUBE

in #sbd6 years ago

That is all just theater. The "elites" fear nothing, they don't have to. They are getting away with ANY BS, like they always did. No lie can be big or stupid enough to not be gobbled up by the masses. They don't even try to come up with a good one because they don't have to.
We truthers live in a reality bubble. The truth is, that the majority of people are hopelessly lost through decades of fluoridation and social engineering. The few who wake up won't make a difference.
Crypto is being used to move the people over to digital currency, as it was the plan for 30 years. The current volatility is being used to transfer wealth. Once 5G and the Social Credit System is established,the use of crypto can and will also be controlled, if it's on the blockchain or not.


The "elites" fear nothing, they don't have to.

Then why do they censor us? Why do they fraudulently attack cryptos like EOS with people like Oliver despite the fact almost no one has even heard of EOS outside of Steemit? The elites are control freaks because they are full of fear.

Also the "elites" do fear God, and the return of Jesus Christ.

From my point of view, fear is a product of the mind, it is not real. Danger is very real, but fear is an illusion.

I agree that they may want to move the world as you said to a technological nightmare, however cryptos are a threat to their centralized control. They may use blockchain tech for their own purposes, but the decentralized cryptos are a threat to their monetary control.

Cheers, thanks for the comment.

I hope you are right. But I don't think they censor us out of fear. They simply control the information the masses are allowed to get, and they are successful. Youtube is a good example.
The truther community is already dispersed into insignificant little corners of the internet where they can do much less damage.
How long have they been spraying us like bugs now? Years. How much information is available about chemtrails? Tons.
What is happening? The silence of the lambs.
They are not afraid of us, they are laughing at us.
The lies keep getting more and more ridiculous, they don't even try to come up with something halfway credible. That's not fear, they spit in our face.
But again, I hope you are right.

I'd encourage you to watch the latest @corbettreport or @maxigan about the "Social Credit System" currently rolling out in China.
Once 5G as a framework is established, all they need to do is to make legislation to ban encrypted messages as they could be used by terrorists.
If you are caught making a crypto transaction, you lose your internet "privileges". Problem solved.

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