0416.1548 Market update 1 Steem = 1.20 STM Dollar

in #sbd6 years ago

Last 7 days Steem Dollar vs STEEM chart


STEEM = 2.61 $ -4.12 % 24h
SBD = 2.42 $ $ -4.12 % 24h
1SBD buys :0.93 Steem

Steem Internal Market DEX

Steem = 1.20 Steem Dollar
1SBD buys :0.83 Steem

Data from CoinMarketCap

CoinMarketCapSteem Steem Dollar(SBD)
USD price2.605832.42041
Vol 24h7024270.07792790.0
MarketCap U$663164155.028414868.0
Change 1h 0.6 0.23
Change 24h-4.12 %-2.14
Change 1 week44.2226.04

Data from Steem Internal Mrket

from Steem DEXRate Previous
Highest bid1.08551.0810
Lowest ask1.08991.0810
Change 0.00 0.00
Steem Volume6262.531 STEEM6262.531 STEEM
SBD Volume6802.299 SBD5197.865 SBD

El automatico is running a p2p steem node , it soon will be used in these posts

AutoDex running since 3:47AM -0400 on Apr 13, 2018


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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 64130.23
ETH 3169.82
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.47