
If SBD could be a stable currency over the long term, but occasionally have a spike - I think that would be OK.

I dont think so. If u cant trust the peg its useless.

Think about people that want to use sbd to be able to plan and manage their cost ?

Not exactly true. A minimum-peg guarantees the lowest price, but lets the currency go up as high as it wishes (a minimum peg from one perspective is a maximum peg from another. For the purposes of this response I'm using the minimum peg terminology to mean that the lowest SBD price is $1).

From that perspective, if the ecosystem can guarantee you that the lowest price you'll ever receive is US$1---but you may get more---is arguably is as good as a system that guarentees that you'll only get US$1.

Very true

SBD is not stable currency because its price increased suddenly.

It has been stable for a long time,
Just because people buy in for insane prices. Means that they probably didn't read the whitepaper.

Something has value when enough people want to buy it. Maybe the overall market is larger than the original ideas about creating a Utopian currency detailed in the white paper.

Basically if you look at it from a Perspective completely outside of a Steemit user the White Paper is essentially a plan for artificially suppressing two currencies (Steem and SteemDollars) in order to maintain a Pyramidical system of control.

Steem is artificially devalued by nearly 10% every year and SteemDollars are "pegged" to the US Dollar. Both of those concepts are essentially nuts. So you have an innovative BlockChain Social Media network where it's internal trading currency (SBD) is pegged to Fiat currency. Go figure. Pegging a Crypto currency to a Fiat currency is an Oxymoron right?

By volume Steem is one of the largest established Crypto currencies and is the only one that is being artificially suppressed and devalued. If it wasn't artificially suppressed then just on the value of Steemit having so many active users and being part of the Steem BlockChain the true value of Steem should be way closer to Bitcoin.

Maybe letting Steem and SBD rise naturally would actually be a lot better for Steemit users as a whole.

SteemPower is already locked in. Why do Steem and SteemDollars therefore need the artificial constraints? Why can't they just be traded naturally on the marketplace.

I totally agree. There are many, many Steemians, who provide high quality content. Additionally, the time stamp is default equivalent of a copyright, patent, registration, or trademark. This fact alone should be promoted more, and also makes content on STEEMIT very, very valuable.

Therefore, undervaluing STEEM and SBD is likewise undervaluing the content providers. This condition must be changed, whatever it takes.

yes. you are right. thanks for comment.

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