Down The Rabbit-Hole

🗝️ 🐇 🕳️

Boy, am I in deep.
It's been over a month. Time for me to emerge from my digital double life and spend some time feeding my alter ego in the real world matrix.

Where have I been spending my nights?
Looking for clues and solving riddles for the Satoshi's Treasure Hunt.

Over the past six weeks, I have discovered both how little I actually know and how much I can learn. I generally regarded myself as intelligent, but I have since learned that there are huge books of number sequences that I never even considered, like the Hofstatder sequence, written by people who think prime numbers are a cute nursery rhyme and who eat irrational numbers like π in place of the letters in their alphabet soup. People who consider 01000001 01000010 01000011 as simple as A B C.

And yes, I write that binary sequence from memory, because that's the kind of odd skill I've been picking up lately. I have downloaded a Chinese keyboard to my phone and can even type a couple words, as long as the situation calls for me to say 手机号 (phone number), 登录 (login), or 火星兔 (Mars Rabbit). I now recognize a Weird Sun Twitter account when I see one. They don't exactly teach you these things in secret spy school, because there is no secret spy school (at least none that I'd tell you about!)

This hunt will be a marathon, as it will take 400 keys to recover the treasure. The Steem Clan of Satoshi's Treasure Hunters currently has 6 keys, plus a portion of a key held by a very few people, as it required meeting someone in person (no, I'm not taking about key 5, though that was a great story)!

If you have been reading my blog in months past and wondered what hole I fell into, now you know! And if you'd like to join the hunt, come visit our Discord where you will be flooded with information, and may just have the skills we are looking for. The requirements to join are few, but we regard them as very important: you must verify yourself as an active user of Steem, and not be an active participant in another Hunt clan. While all in good fun, we do regard this as a competition and we want to reach the 400th key first! We also ask for a rough location - as some keys are hidden in physical locations, it helps to know what part of the world you are able to access.

I will get back to visiting the real world. But if I go dark, now you know where to find me!

Posted using Partiko Android


This sounds interesting. I am a complete noob when it comes to all this stuff, but I’ve been seeing posts on treasure hunts and getting more curious. Sounds like fun but also something that requires lots of time...

Posted using Partiko iOS

It does not have to require a lot of time from any one person as it's a team effort, but for me it is very addictive, so I have been going down rabbit holes daily.
Great fun!

Posted using Partiko Android

This is really cool, and I've been doing my own little research and hunting for new clues :)

I won't be joining the discord team, because I'm too busy to fully partake in this, and one of the people there hates me and has proclaimed they don't trust me, so I can't imagine working with such a person. A person who lacks trust, but will not even show their face.. hmm.

Thank you for all that you do, and best wishes in your hunt!

I am sorry to hear of anyone I know mistrusting or not liking you; I like you just fine!
If you are interested in the hunt there are plenty of other clans. Of course you can stay Ronin, but it's difficult to get far on your own. Though I'd hate to think you were working with our competition, that is part of the game!

Posted using Partiko Android

Well, knowing there is someone in the hunt who hates me isn't much of a motivator to take part. If I find some clues, then I would have to become more involved. The sad part, is people don't think about the future very often, and the fact that Steem isn't going anywhere. We have to share this space with each other, and if there is anything I hate, it is having enemies, so it's unfortunate when you aren't even choosing to have an enemy!

If I do find a clue, I'll just give it to you ;)

I like you too @wholeself-in, your positivity and beauty is intoxicating in the best of ways, and I find you are one of the nicest people I have met during my Steem journey!

Have fun in the rabbit hole, maybe we'll bump into each other somewhere along the line ;)

I has been a quick couple of months. But we are doing great,. I really appreciate all that you have done for the clan.

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