How to Get Pulled Over Repeatedly While Driving in Mexico

in #satire7 years ago (edited)

If planning a road trip through Mexico, you want to be properly prepared. In this post, we'll teach you how to do everything you can to make sure the police pull you over constantly, providing maximum annoyance, hassle, and stories for your grandchildren.

Look young and ignorant

If you're still young, you don't need to do much more. However, if you're starting to age, you need to do something about it. La policía (the police) like to see 20-something, naive people without valuable life experience. If you're growing older, consider getting botox, a boob job, and a rhinestone-covered Ed Hardy shirt. Consider shaving your beard and mustache to take 10 years off your age. These things, in combination with an enormous amount of makeup, should be enough for you to look sufficiently young and dumb; a perfect target for la policía.

Purchase a new car in the brightest possible color

Again, this is all about standing out from the crowd as much as possible. If you want the police to pull you over frequently, you need to make sure you never drive by unnoticed.

If your registration, Temporary Vehicle Import Permit, and other paperwork isn't in order, they may be able to legally seize your car. If they're going to take any car, they want the newest, brightest, and shiniest car they can get.

Appear rich by flaunting your valuables

Don't listen to everyone else's advice to hide all of your expensive jewelry. You want to make sure that your most expensive possessions are on you and visible at all times.

Wear that gold chain around your neck and that 4ct Harry Winston diamond ring on your finger. You want to make sure the chain is always on the outside of your shirt as to draw attention to your wealth. Furthermore, any time you're talking, be sure to make hand gestures with the ring hand to make sure everyone sees that gigantic rock!

Remember, la policía seek young, ignorant, rich people to acquire the largest possible bribes. If you’re like us, you might not even need visible valuables to garner enough of their attention. Proceed to the next step.

Get a vanity plate with the name of a Mexican drug lord

Almost all cars in Mexico have a license plate on the front and the back. Therefore, if your car is registered in a state like Arizona where only the rear plate is required, then it's advisable to get a vanity plate for the front that's a facsimile of a Mexican state.

We chose the Mexican state of Oaxaca since it's a brightly-colored license plate consisting of the Mexican flag colors.

When ordering your $12 vanity plate on eBay, you'll get to choose the text you want on it. We'd recommend doing what we did and getting the name of a famous Mexican drug lord, like "SALAZAR," even if it’s not your family name and part of your heritage.

Having a US-registered car, with a Oaxaca plate on the front, and a temporary import permit sticker on the windshield should sufficiently confuse the hell out of any police officers who see you driving by. It will most certainly make them want to pull you over to ask you questions.

We hope you find these tips helpful. We think that if you follow them closely, you'll be consistently pestered by police on your road trip through Mexico.

On the other hand, if you’d like to know how to avoid getting pulled over in Mexico, you might want to do the exact opposite. ;)

For more arguably good advice, be sure to follow @tangerinetravels


Next time, make sure you have bags of white powdered sugar in the seats too, because . you know, you're traveling bakers. :p

Big lolz :-D


That's some helpful advise that we probably should've included in the post ;)

Hehehe..This made me laugh so hard. Very good advice though. Applies to a lot more country than you would think.

Yes, no matter which country you live in, you should always flaunt your valuables. Especially when you're in dark alleys at night ;)


Funnnny! It works in the United States, too.

This was so funny. Thanks for sharing. :). Joy

Thanks so much for your comment. Glad you enjoyed it @sweetjoy! We'd really love to do a series of Mexican "bad advice" themed posts like this. Open to suggestions if you have any ideas! ;)

Great idea. I'll try to think of some funny ones. You may not need help. You are hilarious already for sure. Great work. Joy. :)

Thanks! We're always open to suggestions. Collaboration is the key to making great things. ;)

(Hopefully this isn't too cliche....) Thanks for always bringing a bit of joy to our day! Your name really suits you.

Aww an I just love tangerines! :)
You guys are fun. Keep it up. Some of us don't get out much so we live through you. :). Joy

Hahahahaaha, great stuff, you HAVE to do more of these! I want this post to make a $1000 so that you can fund your next one :-)

This could be a kind of rough guide type thing...

PS, no amount of beard/moustache shaving/botox is going to make me look as young and beautiful as the two of you!


You're the best! And that's not a bad idea...we're over here thinking about all the possibilities already! "How To Fall For All the Tourist Scams in Mexico" and "How to Wreck Your Car While Driving Through Mexico" I'm sure we can think of better ones with a bit more brainstorming.

As for shaving and botox...I don't know, you haven't seen our bedhead and tired face in the morning. ;)

"How To Fall For All the Tourist Scams in Mexico"

That's a chicken dinner winner right there! :0)


How many times have you been pulled over in Mexico?!

Thanks for the chortle.

We were pulled over 3 times during consecutive days of driving. Once on our way into Ciudad Obregón, then on our way to Huatabampito, and finally as we were leaving Huatabampo.

And we’re glad you enjoyed it!

Wow, that’s intense! Did you have to bribe them?

No, we didn't have to pay anything. After our drive today we've now been stopped 5 times. They've let us go each time after asking a few questions and looking at documents (like registration, temporary import permit, and driver's license). None of them have asked for a bribe.

Good to hear, the negatives of Mexico can be overplayed. I’ve always felt safe there.

We've only been here for a few weeks now, but we've also felt perfectly safe.

Wow, it sounds like you guys are having an exciting adventure and getting to know the police along the way! Do you see a lot of hybrids in Mexico?

We sure are! ;) Getting to know them whether we like it or not. Surprisingly, though, they have been consistently much more respectful, friendly, and polite than your average police officer in the US. It doesn't seem like they feel the need to be domineering to take command of a situation.

We've hardly seen any other Priuses (Priusii? Lol) or other hybrids throughout the journey. While staying in the Golden Zone (a well-known retirement neighborhood) in Mazatlan, we did see one Tesla. Also, we see familiar carmakers here, but none with models we are familiar with.

I'm glad to hear they're treating you with respect. Whoa, a Tesla?! I bet they can't drive around the block without being pulled over by the police. Lol Maybe it's different in the Golden Zone though. Car makers sometimes will use different names for the same models in different parts of the world. The last time I was in Mexico (around 2000), most of the taxis were still original VW Beetles. As a matter of fact I road in one from just south of Cancun to Playa Del Carmen. It was like an amusement park ride. : ) I'm really enjoying your posts, guys. Continue having fun and stay safe!

It wouldn't surprise me! Any crooked cop would love to get their hands on an expensive car like that.

We've also noticed a surplus of VW Beetles here! Must be an incredibly reliable car. Sounds like quite the memorable experience you had! I've never been in one before, so maybe we'll get lucky sometime soon.

Thanks for continuing to follow along with our posts! Glad you're enjoying them. :) Hopefully they're getting better with time.

The Beetles are so simple, mechanically, and easy to work on. They don’t ride like a modern car though. I had fun in Mexico except for the morning after a night of too much Mezcal. Lol. You’re welcome, guys! Keep having fun.

What, the license plate is real?? I was thinking for sure this must be a photoshop but it is in your older posts as well....

Hahaha, yep, it's real! Just yesterday we were finally advised to take it off.

The fact it's real, made the story for me!


Welp, we took off the plate last night, then drove for three hours today from Mazatlán to Tepic. We got pulled over two more times today. Guess what they asked!? "Why don't you have a front plate?" Maybe it's not the fault of the vanity plate after all?

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