
You might want to sign up for dustsweeper.

Wow! I guess it's not working too good.

From what I saw once is there was only so many votes they could do in a day when the price dropped and the changes that came with the last HF raised the amount needed not to turn to dust (if I remember that right), so it was sort of a rotational basis and maybe they couldn't upvote everything. I don't think I ran out of money with them yet, at least I haven't seen them send me a note to set up another match up.

Yeah it used to be 2 votes a day they were doing per account but now it might only be one vote every other day or less.

Well I guess there were a couple of people who saw the same humor in this as I did...I wasn't taking it literally of course. lol.

I see the humor -- this is such a crazy story. It seemed like a new form of career suicide, but strangely that might now happen, so many know the trutha and will not give him up.
As far as friendship it is admirable.

Pointing out things that funny...I see my number has got down to one in parentheses.
Is there a zero? Hahahha.

What on earth did you do to earn a 1? I thought 15 sent someone fizzling but I've never seen a one before.

"What on earth did you do to earn a 1?"
Why on earth do you think "I" did something, :lol.

This a collective, steemit is a group, a micro-version of a socialist society. thta's what i

His friends already gave him or so that's what the police said. It sure is a crazy story, one that back fired considerably considering his aim was to enhance his career not destroy it.

Read you recent comment in don't think those children were on the attack against Senator Feinstein? It seemed like a set up to, she is old and served her country well.
Why are so many, so cruel to those that have been successful in life?

I liked your comment -- you have a good head sunlit, bravo!

No doubt those kids were being influenced by teachers with an agenda to be specifically calling out AOC's green's not like just asked her about her stance on environmental concerns. But you can't change perspectives or win over hearts being condescending, which she was.

I wouldn't call it being cruel, she's a politic figure and is susceptible to scrutiny. Imagine someone like Trump or anybody near him found to have had a Chinese spy in their employ and heads would roll, we'd never hear the end of it and demands for investigations would roll. Just today they came out and demanded that all documents related to how Jarrod Kushner got his security clearance be handed over by Monday yet she has a known Chinese spy drive her around for two decades and crickets is all you hear.

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