Protect Yourself From The Evil Patriarchy With The Brand New "Portable Safe Space" Available From Just $79.95

in #satire7 years ago (edited)

Are you sick of seeing white privilege everywhere in society?

Are you tired of ignorant bigots offending minorities without meaning to?

Have you had enough of the Patriarchy and the damage it has done to society?

PSS AD.jpg

If you answered yes to any of the above, then you will be thrilled to hear of our newest product, "The Portable Safe Space."

With a recommended retail price of just $79.95, the PSS (Portable Safe Space) is as affordable as it is innovative.

The PSS is extremely user-friendly. You need only place the device over your head to activate it.

How Does It Work?

The PSS is a virtual reality headset that interprets your surroundings and then modifies them to appease your sensitive nature. The product utilises the latest technology in order to transform the undesirable reality of life in real time, to one that you can be proud to be a part of.

Whilst wearing the device, external stimuli is reviewed continuously, and any sound or visual data that has the potential to "trigger" the user, is modified to one that will make the user feel happy and safe.


While wearing the PSS headset, if anyone in your presence uses the wrong pronoun to describe a man, woman, a person who is neither man nor woman, a child, a dog or a bottle of juice, the device will automatically edit the sound you hear to the correct pronoun. This can save you hours of time each day, for you won't have to start an argument about how ignorant that person was for using a pronoun of their own choosing.

If you walk past an ignorant man wearing a T-shirt that reads, "Boys will be boys," no longer will you have to be reminded of the gender inequality among the populous, or the rape culture that exists in modern society. If you are wearing the PSS, the device will re-write the words on the T-shirt to read, "Boys need to stop being boys."

NOTE: If you are a highly sensitive user who also finds the phrase, "boys need to stop being boys," to be offensive, because it implies that transgender males should return to being female, then for an extra $12.95 you can get an upgrade which will change the words to, "boys need to stop being boys, unless they are actually girls."

If you enter a cab and the driver has had the audacity to place a dancing, Hawaiian bobble head figure on the dashboard, then you needn't be hurt or offended by its symbolic ties to the pillaging of Hawaii, for the PSS will remove it from your sight!

If you walk past any white male on the street, the PSS will modify the colour of their skin to one of your choosing.* This will ensure that you do not get reminded of the Patriarchy, white privilige, gender inequality, racism or any white person who ever did anything you did not approve of, making sure you remain in your safe space and continue through your day untriggered.

*Only one colour available for choosing.


Pre-order your Portable Safe Space device today to receive a free wake-up call that will stop you getting offended by every little fucking thing, whilst ignoring the most important, real, problems that we face today as a society.

Resteem if you think people ought to stop getting offended so easily.


You may get a lot of business.
Are you ready for the rush?

Lol. Favourite comment so far...

Absolutely amazing! I will forward this to Twitter and Facebook, both of which are infested with snowflakes. As a side benefit, folks capable of chewing gum and walking at the same time will now be able to identify these morons by virtue of their PSS wear. Awesome! (I have also posted this to, and will add it to my next "Snowflakes" compilation on Steemit - and I'd like your permission to use your image in that article.)

Thanks a lot. I'm glad you like it. And sure, use it if you like! Especially if it is going to help get people to stop being little bitches.

The head straps will need to be bigger, at least to size 50. It needs to be able to fit the most fat headed heffalump there is. It could even have a velcro strap to sick to the hairy part of the hump, to help hold it firmly in place, in case of extra triggering.

Now all that is needed is nanomites to eat the cheese from between the unwashed fleshy folds, and form it back into food.

I have seen the future. I didn't need goggles. The enemy are still us.

I want to cry.

Here, I was hoping the snowflakes would grow up, but now technology comes to the rescue instead.

I'm going to cry.

You sound like one of them! Lol

I'm adding this to the Christmas list for some folks. Will there be a Black Friday Sale? Oh, I'm sorry. Will there be an African-American sale?


Thank you for that. The comment alone was worth a follow.

Much appreciated. I gave you a follow as well. I like your material. Dare I say the George Carlin of SteemIt?

Well, I'm honoured by that! Carlin was a wise man, a warrior of truth, and very fucking funny to boot.

nice just my kind of humor!!

Runner up guy holding a cell phone and staring at it

Maybe a "boys will be boys" shirt could be modded just to say "boys", or perhaps "children" or "people", I don't think those trigger?

I know a few people that would love this XD (or that I would love to put this on to make them shush).

That could work too, but it wouldn't have allowed me the follow up joke in smallprint! lol

Haha seems like a perfect product matching the way the world is going nowadays. Love the satire buddy ;)

I don't know. For every new person that pops up waiting to be offended, another one pops up ready to tell them to stop being a pussy. Lol. I feel it's pretty balanced right now, but it's certainly making it more difficult for us to communicate with one another.

Thanks a lot for the comment, and I already have another satirical piece written in my mind, so look out for it over the next couple of days.

Followed you, i'll keep an eye out for it :)

Appreciated. Hopefully you shan't be disappointed.

Have a great weekend!

HEY! I'm Triggered!
images feminist.jpg

Lol. Your username is likely to trigger some folk.

yes!! It was also to make sure no feminazi ever entered my articles, my content would send them into a spiral of despair and their heads would explode because of so many anti-feminist diatribes they would not know where to begin with their attacks!!!

Lol. Ironically, I think that you have got it backwards. Putting such a username is only more likely to get feminists to come to your posts, so that they have an opportunity to complain. Lucky that there isn't much of a feminist community here on Steemit yet.. But perhaps one day not too far from now, you'll be dealing with abuse in your comments section by angry blondes.. ( and probably brunette feminists too, because you know they won't pass up an opportunity to have a moan.. )

I have a standard response to; liberals, climate change supporters and feminists "You flatearthers are all the same" and then walk away, it disrupts their programming for a split-second, you just can't debate with socially engineered simpletons, they've passed the rubicon of reason...Keep poking the stick at them!

Lol. Sounds like an excellent way to confuse someone. I think I might have to steal that shit.

LOL - shared on FB et al

Thanks, mate. Be prepared though.. You might get some shit. Lol

I got rid of most of those folks a looong time ago ;>

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