Black People Not Welcome: Aussie ‘healing’ retreat offers white women a break from negroes

in #satire7 years ago (edited)

How does that headline sound to you? Everyone pretty comfortable with that hahaha? Well that is the opposite headline produced by the daily mail on the 20th of Feb, refer below screenshot. I have written it to provide satirical commentary on the subject. It is part of the joke, in this day and age, that I have to point out that it is satirical.
Covered by the DailyMail and

My concern is not that they are creating a segregated retreat (for all I know it could be a prank), actually I support the ability that if any groups want to segregate themselves, that we live in a suitably free society that they can if they wish.

"my tip to white people is to let us have our space let us have our room and go hang out with other white people, we're okay, you know you've done enough damage"
Andrea X (founder of the retreat)

The main concern is the development of a double standard when talking about issues regarding different groups of people that occur in society. Does everyone think that this is healthy to do? I am just wondering, because

Little bit of cultural appropriation, Namaste puppies:

Being of Indian decent, I am naturally disturbed by the cultural appropriation of Indian yoga & Hindi language.

The following video is from the news, reporting on a professor who has claimed all western yoga is racist and contributing to white supremacy. I wonder if Black people doing yoga is equally racist? Someone might be able to explain that to me one day?

Vice has covered the story in a video:

The video is a little hilarious, I am amazed at what progressive culture has turned these people into less then children, that is to say I have met more self reliant, tough skinned children.

Full marks to them though, for creating an innovative business, a bit capitalistic for lefties, but I hope they do well out of it regardless.

This progressive ideology has deteriorated society to a degree that is unimaginable, it is beyond me that people can still support this movement as acceptable for society or at least acknowledge the glaring hypocrisy in what it creates. Any way hope you all get a bit of laugh, this is where we are at now.



I agree with you on principle. But living in the US and in a major city, I see, hear and experience racism daily. Of the systemic variety (a white establishment vs blacks and immigrants). Not just out and about in daily life, but on TV, in politics and social media. I’m personally not black, but I am a person of colour and do associate with people of all colours. I think by the way the article is written, it makes it easy to criticize the women in the Vice (owned by FOX btw) piece. But when your news is constantly bombarding you with yet another black person killed by police day after day, while a white kid can shoot up a school and live undoubtedly places pressure on one’s psyche.

These women are retreating for their own peace of mind in the best way they know how. Group segregation in spiritual and religious practices aren’t old either.. I suspect that some even go to the extent of complete segregation of one’s self entirely to gender segregation as a common practice even today.

In my opinion, Vice, is taking the opportunity to further the discord between whites and blacks, in line with most major US media outlets today. The amount of impressions (the individual unit of personal media digestion) made on the issue of race is constant and over-whelming from the perspective of a person of colour. I think taking a personal time out, in any way one knows how, is commendable and productive. And when your culture has been stripped of you, all you can do is appropriate another culture unfortunately.

Ultimately, we should all strive for thicker skins. Learn to move beyond obstacles. And continue to be positive members of our communities. How that’s achieved, is not for me to judge. People should be free to explore their options, no? From watching the video, i can see that Andrea X, carries a lot of pain. Hopefully the yogic path assists in healing her! Stay Blessed Always!

I am a so called "person of colour" too, even though I absolutely despise that term. I think this hypocrisy is reprehensible, if it was the other way around there would be an outrage.

But when your news is constantly bombarding you with yet another black person killed by police day after day, while a white kid can shoot up a school and live undoubtedly places pressure on one’s psyche.

Unfortunately, listening to one-sided mainstream media is where people go wrong.

These women are retreating for their own peace of mind in the best way they know how. Group segregation in spiritual and religious practices aren’t old either.

But it is celebrated for coloured people and demonised if it were a group of white people. You don't think that is hypocritical?

I can agree with you on only two points:

Ultimately, we should all strive for thicker skins.

...and MSM is race baiting.

If white people are not allowed to appropriate others culture, then POC cannot appropriate others cultures. Would you not call that equal? I also notice that you do not mention black on black crime. I too hope people can get over these problems, however identity politics and safe spaces will block people from the introspection required to develop as an individual.

I’m speaking from a general sense, which is why I site the mainstream media. I find it a bit too easy to blame people for consuming that crap. It’s hardly their fault considering the reach of corporate media (ie. Vice via FOX)

As for whether it’s accepted for whites to appropriate cultures or not, is anybody’s guess. I’m know of many blacks who consider Eminem to be one of the greatest rappers. And some that disagree. I know many asian martial artists that respect fighters of all colors. I’m more of the belief that things are more color blind than any media is portraying at the moment. The publicization of an anti-white sentiment is just another cog in the wheel of the MSM seeding the sentiment of emotional divide.

Madness on either side needs to be called out for its madness. I find it disingenuous to claim a fight for equality and then take actions that are anything but equal.

I do blame people for their consumption. It is a form of "bigotry of low expectations" to suggest that people can not think for themselves. Unfortunately though, if you mean that people can not think for themselves, then yes, they can't be blamed for accepting ideological arguments provided by CNN and the like.

"The publicization of an anti-white sentiment is just another cog in the wheel of the MSM seeding the sentiment of emotional divide."

I am not white, but I know how it feels to be discriminated against. Mainstream television CNN, MSNBC and the like, are saying things that I would consider to be discrimination if they were aimed at me. However they are aimed at white people, because I know what discrimination feels like, I would not wish that on other people. This is how I know that it is wrong. It would be wonderful if they stopped shitting on white people, but they are not going to and that is fueling the current backlash. I saw this coming 15 years ago, and here we are.

38 years of life on this rock, I can say with certainty that the only thing that’s notably changed is the technology. Humans haven’t changed much. The only thing that changes is the lens through which we form our ideas. I’m from South Central LA, the belly of the beast. Here we don’t blame people for their respective shortcomings. I think that retaliatory reactions to headlines and making general assertions on groups of people only serve to further inflamate relations between groups, especially with Trump and his obvious alignment with White Nationalist groups. Ultimately, this is a divide and conquer campaign. FOX, CNN, NBC, they’re all in on it. Because the real war is between the haves and the have-nots.

It's time all whites were banned for being racist...


I want to say, "can this shit get any crazier," but I know the answer is yes, yes it can.

Some of this negroes are actually pretty sexy aren't they?

Yeah, I think so to, in terms of looks I agree, although I can't respect people who seriously think that way. If they are joking, I can laugh, but I get the impression that they are not.

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