Katy Perry's new satanic cannibal video, Bon Appetit

in #satanism7 years ago (edited)

 Katy Perry (Capitol Records / Universal / Vivendi)'s latest pop song for  the kids is about being dinner. You might make the claim that she's  just being quirky and pushing the boundaries, but the reality is that  she's a huge business. 

More than just a successful musician, she is  backed by advertisers, finaciers and record labels. To see her as an  individual in this environment discounts the fact that it's the business  world that's got her there and the business world will keep  her there for as long as she is useful. What she is for the rulers is  access to your children. 

It's extremely important for the establishment  that their propaganda reaches everyone. So as well as owning all the  mainstream news channels as a way of propagandising, they know that lots  of people never see the mainstream news. They have to find other ways  of reaching these people. 

Kids like music, cartoons, comedies, video  games, etc., so that's where they get them. Children in the West often  spend many hours on these things every day, so the effect it can have on  them is profound. This is one small, very recent example of the  increasingly dark messages that children are receiving through avenues  like popular music. 

We must also consider this with regard to the  'elite' child abuse rings which are very connected to Hollywood, as well  as scandals like pizzagate. With this context, this video is even more  disgusting and disturbing. We have to also wonder what kind of hidden messages are contained within the music and visuals as well. The link is below if you want to check it out in all its grotesqueness.


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