Panleke - The Protector of his people

in #sankofa6 years ago (edited)

"Mom please tell us another of your folklore, please" my sister and I would plead. Being the busy woman she was, this is one time we get to spend time with her and hear the stories she heard while growing up.

"Ok, just one today, ok?" She said.

"Yes, tell us one" We piped.

"Alo oo" mom said
"Alo!" We screamed in excitement


And the story begins...

Once upon a time, people of different lands were battling for supremacy. The more villages and people you conquered, the mightier and famous you are as news spread around, you become a formidable force to reckon with.

The people of Eba-odan have since made a name for themselves as they have conquered so many villages and settlements across many lands and rivers. When news of their approach comes, the village to be struck is thrown into panic and chaos, thoughts of fleeing or staying would cross their mind. Sometimes, they'd pack up and move, sometimes they'd stay and battle with them and other times, they'd surrender as soon as the warriors of Eba-Odan entered their village.

This went on for a long time and it seemed Eba-Odan was going to be the only Empire left in the entire region. For a while, news didn't get out about new conquests and everyone relaxed and went on with their normal activities, even the warriors of the villages that would usually train in preparation daily reduced it to twice a week. The farms were green again, more laughter in public, people could come out at night for small gatherings and festivities and to make merry.

Then one fateful day, news came, the warriors of Eba-Odan have resumed duties, they attacked 10 villages away, they spared no one, they took both young and old as prisoners of war.

"Who are prisoners of war?" My sister asked
"They are people that were captured during a war by the winners of the war" Mom replied. "Back to the story."

Unknown to the people, they were moving silently through the forest to get into the heart of the Kiti Empire which has many villages and settlements. Their strategist must have advised them to save themselves the stress of taking out the villages and settlements one after the other, once they got the heart, all the villages and settlements attached to the Empire will go down as well. The Kiti Empire was the abode of cash crops, conquering it would give Eba-Odan the ultimate power and supremacy they set out to attain.

"Kere ooooo! L'onile, l'alejo, l'omode, l'agba (Hey! Home owners, visitors, young and old), the Kabieyesi said you should all gather at the village square at nightfall. No one should be absent by order of the King" The town crier went round the village announcing.

This raised the panic level in the village, farmers hurried to their farms to harvest as much as they could in preparation of what is to come. The women gathered to make thicker fabrics to protect them from the harsh weather they may likely be subjected to, the kids do not fully understand what was happening but they played in hushed tones, even the river was a bit dry. Every element felt the tension in the community.

The day dragged on slowly, everyone couldn't wait for nightfall so they could gather at the village square. The town crier didn't need to remind the people when it was time, everyone trooped to the square, awaiting the news that would forever change their lives. They wondered if the King would ask them to flee, fight or surrender.

"Mo ki gbogbo yin oo. Ese ti a pe yin ti e wa." (I greet you all. Thanks for responding to the call.) Said the King.

"The pressing need today is preparation for the Eba-Odan warriors. We need to strategize." He said.

The King hasn't finished with his speech when a frail looking man raised his hand and to the astonishment of everyone he said, "Baba, ke pe o! (Oh King, may you live long!) I volunteer to take care of the Eba-Odan warriors, leave them to me.)

The villagers started whispering amongst themselves about this revelation. How could he singlehandedly take care of these fearless and hefty men? They wondered.

" Follow me" he said to them all. They had no choice, so they did. When they got to the village entrance, he told them to give him space and they all did. How it happened, till date no one can explain, but there was suddenly a high fence that went round the whole village leaving a small entrance. The villagers were enchanted, no one believed what they saw.

While still savouring the sight, Panleke transformed into a beautiful woman with long corn rows and sparkling teeth. He then told the villagers to go home and sleep.

Iru kileyi? (What manner of thing is this?) Was the question on the minds of the villagers

"I still have a lot to do so let me summarize the story" said mom

"Ejo, e so Itan yi tan (please, finish the story)" we pleaded.

Story continues...

Panleke manned that entrance as a beautiful woman who was frying Akara (beans cake) balls, the aroma filled the air. As the Eba-Odan warriors approached the village, she welcomed them with a bright smile and offered them some Akara. Once they have eaten their fill, Panleke would say;

Ile, so ti yo ni? (Earth, are you satisfied?)

Immediately she says this, the ground would open and swallow up the warriors. This she repeated till none of the warriors were left and the ones coming behind fled for their dear lives.

This was how Panleke singlehandedly saved his people. Till today, he is worshipped every three years with a cow in his village as the protector of his people.



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