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RE: I need to visit the World Beat Center and show them Yensesa and all Steem based Africa Centered Projects. Balboa Park can use steem and yensesa to Empower people longterm. I could do blockchain training and fundraisers.

in #sandiego6 years ago

I totally feel you on that, I spent all last year in that state and had the same familial response. My family refused to believe that I was actually being productive and making money in the cryptosphere because I reinvesting it rather than spending it on new toys. I definitely do plan to spend it on new toys at some point but this first year, I wanted to fully immerse myself with every aspect of trading/investing and the cryptosphere. Ended up causing a lil bit of a depressive spell because for the first time in my life I'm actually doing everything right and yet they refused to believe me because it wasn't doing the wrong things that I'd usually do.

If you can wait till I get off house arrest in a few months I can go back home to visit mom and introduce you to some of the people in person. Pretty much everyone I know is deep into the electronic music scene out there. They all either throw shows, play at shows or work at shows. The World Beat Center is one of the venues that gets thrown into the rotation for the smaller all age shows.

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