Canada's Hospitals Kill 30,000 Canadians Nationwide Annually

in #sandford7 years ago

FIRST: I must admit that Canada’s hospitals and medical system is way better than the majority of other nations. Most nations like the USA, Philippines, etc, require all patients Prepay before any consideration of the patient’s problem will be addressed. It is a fact that some hospitals in Prepay nations are ‘For Profit’ and refuse some patients who do not meet their ‘financial minimum qualification’ and turn away anyone who does not earn a minimum amount of annual income. Most patients in the Prepay countries buy private Health Insurance, but high premiums leave Millions of low income families and individuals out. .Some areas of the world do not even have a hospital or are located in war zones and been destroyed.
Luckily, Canada’s medical system is partially covered by the Canadian tax payers. Most citizens think that all Canadians receive Health Benefits, yet thousands fall through the cracks if they can’t pay their monthly payments. The federal government sends funds to each Province and Territory and these funds are allocated to their individual regions. Certain things are not covered under the different Province’s coverage and other Provinces run their Health industry differently from other Provinces and Territories. Provinces control and govern their own Health care, yet a Canadian can go to any other Province or Territory and is still be covered. The federal government provides large sums of money to each Province & Territory, adding to the money that helps these regions to cover some of their costs. Even though our hospitals are almost the best in the world, there are some concerns:

  1. The First Responders were prompt in all my 911 calls (30+ ove ten years) and always arrived within an hour or earlier. However, hospital waiting times can take 4 hours or more (I arrived at St. Pauls hospital by ambulance and was stuck in a hallway for just over four hours. No pain relief, no doctors came to me and I thought the administration had forgotten me, even though I was suffering in agony from a major Pancreatic attack. The emergency ward doctor took 3 more hours before deciding to give me Morphine for the pain but I didn’t see a nurse for another half hour, but these attacks are the worst pain I have ever experienced. I’ve had 3 broken bones, which I thought were a 10 out of 10 for pain. Pancreatitus is a whole new pain scale. I thought I was dying and it made broken bone pain only a 2, Pancreatitus is a 15 out of 10. It is obvious that our hospitals are understaffed and could not handle larger volumes of patients from a serious natural disaster, terrorist attack victims or anything that would cause 20+ patients simultaneously.

  2. I admire and respect Nurses the most! These hard working staff deal with the patients 24/7 and have to do some of the worst jobs (cleaning up vomit, stopping blood leaks/deal with feces and other gross things). Yes, the cleaning staff are supposed to sterilize the areas, beds, equipment and ensure that everything is clean, but when the $20/hour professional cleaners were let go and replaced by minimum wage housekeepers, the cleanliness of hospital deteriorated and the hospitals are filthy (thank the BC LIEberals – Gordon Campbell for this problem). From my experience, the minimum wage, new minority citizens, do not do a good enough job and about 20% cannot speak fluent English or French, making nurses and patients frustrated because it is hard to explain what needs to be cleaned up. Several times I have met the housekeepers and they responded with, “No speak English.” Why are our Health system hiring people who cannot understand French or English?

  3. On Tuesday, three weeks ago, a third of the Kidney Renal nurses were coughing, sneezing and sniffling. Government policy in BC forces mandatory vaccines upon all hospital staff, including all nurses. Those that opt out of the vaccine, must wear a mouth mask at all time (yet they don’t). While my nurse was inserting the two, almost 2 inch long and quarter inch wide needles into my right forearm, she sneezed onto my fresh open wounds. Within two days I became extremely ill and slept most of the two days because I caught the flu from her and began coughing constantly. I felt so bad, all I could do was sleep because of no energy, but on Thursday, I had to get up at 5am to catch the HandyDart bus to head to Royal Columbia hospital in New Westminster. During my dialysis session, my nurse noticed my blood pressure was too high and my temperature was 39.8 C (too hot). I was instantly admitted into an isolation room due to having been diagnosed with SEPSIS.

  4. Sepsis is a very dangerous disease with a kill ration of 25%. It occurs when an infection goes wrong or gets directly into the blood. Normally the immune system of the body is able to fight the germs and overcome the infection. This pathogen was at some point able to get into the blood & tissues. The term sepsis is frequently used to refer to Septicemia (blood poisoning). Septicemia is only one type of sepsis. Bacteremia specifically refers to the presence of bacteria in the bloodstream (viremia and fungemia are the terms used for viruses and fungi). SEPIS IS A MEDICAL EMERGENCY, as it can put the life in danger, if it is not acted on, you will die. Three hours into my dialysis a nurse noticed I was not functioning and when she asked me my name and birth date, I was unable to talk, due to overheating of my brain. Sepsis caused me to have a 39.8 C temperature and doctors were worried that my organs will fail, so they covered me in bags of ice to lower my temperature to normal. Two freezing nights that I don’t remember much of. On the third day, I became coherent and realized I was freezing and pushed the bags of ice off of my body. I was groggy and sweating still but the antibiotics were working.

  5. Clostridium difficile bbacteria (C Diff), is highly contagious and every person has this deadly bacteria in their stomach and colon, but when a body is too sick to defend itself, these bacteria grow exponentially and take over organs. It causes black liquid fire-hose diarrhea and projectile vomiting and you die from dehydration. Trust me, I’ve picked up C Diff twice (St, Pauls & Royal Columbia) because ALL Canadian hospitals are not being sterilized well enough and the housekeeping employees are allegedly, incompetent plus understaffed. Would you want to clean up vomit and feces for minimum wage? When your brain signals that you need to have a bowel movement you may get 5 seconds or less before black foul smelling liquid gushes out of you. I had to wear diapers for the entire time I had this nasty problem. Even though I had a commode beside the bed within one step of me, most times the shit would leak and I would have to buzz for a nurse to clean me up and replace a new diaper. I’m 58 and having to wear diapers is humbling and embarrassing.
    Even though I could not function during the first four days (I was barely able to state my name and birthday when asked). I do not recall the first two days and I did not eat anything for 6 days and only picked at my meals the remaining three days in hospital, because the cafeteria chefs did not provide me with meals catered to my diabetic and renal limited diets. They served little portions, poor quality meals almost inedible and would not provide me foods that I am allowed to eat. This ticked me off, as I requested daily to not be served pork and to please serve me with a diabetic & renal compatible diet. Only on the last day did they finally serve me food that I could eat. I had to consume very small portions of food I would never eat at home, ever!
    Since I fasted for 6 days, when I got home I ate only a vegan diet, like my wife does. My goal is to be a vegan for 21 days and reevaluate how I feel. I must admit, it has only been 17 days and I feel a bit better. I still have complications from Gastroparesis, Pancreatitis and other physical difficulties that limit my balance, walking, depth perception, night vision, taste, smell and hearing. Gastroparesis also makes you nauseated and vomit unexpectedly.
    The moral is to take caution when in a Canadian hospital and out in public. Don’t touch anything without gloves or use sanitizers to clean your hands immediately after. I have become used to having to play the cards life deals me, sure wish I got better cards!



Wow...I know no one is perfect, but this read was eye opening....and live in Canada as well! Thanks for sharing.

You are making a false assumption that the nurses who are sick with colds are the ones who did not get the flu shot.
The flu shot is the least effective of probably all the vaccines. The CDC admits each year that they usually got the wrong strains of the flu anyways, as they are only guessing.
The rules at the hospital should simply be that if you have a cold or are ill, you should wear a mask or stay away from work.

It is unfair to make the nurses who avoid the toxic ineffective vaccine to wear a mask at all times, when that nurse may in fact have a very healthy lifestyle and rarely ever gets sick.
Meanwhile the nurses who get their shots every year may be the ones sneezing and dripping noses all over the place.

I'm not a nurse, but from what I understand it is pretty hard to get away without wearing the mask when you haven't had the shot.
So I'm pretty sure the nurses you saw in your story above were all fully vaccinated with the flu shots.