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RE: Sam-saturday--Something About.Me

I had been to Washington-DC several times but had never managed the walk to get to the Roosevelt Memorial until after I got my mobility scooter. Poor Jim, he had to walk the entire 13 miles that we did that day, and I just went zipping along on my scooter! That memorial was well worth a visit. Roosevelt was president during the Great Depression and my photo represents men standing in a bread line to get food during some dark days in this country.

The Lincoln Museum is one of my favorite places to go with the grandkids. I've been there a couple times and enjoyed every minute of it. There are lots of hands-on things to do.


The men in that photo are statues? They look so real. It's wonderful that you go to the museum with the kids and enjoy learning at the museum. These photos are really beautiful.

I always thought that I would be the kind of Grandma who would take the kids everywhere and show them all of the amazing things there are to see. I hate that I can't do that.

That first photo is one of several statues that are at the Roosevelt Memorial. They were all quite wonderful to see.

I think you do the best you can and that the kids are very happy to have you as a grandmother. I would be very happy to have a grandmother like you and just sitting in your living room would make me happy... I'm sure the kids think the same way I do. Sometimes you know not everything is as we would like... I always want to help to all for example but you can not ... Well, although when steem was at a high price I bought a lot of food and gave away ...

You are wonderfully generous to everyone. Yeah, life doesn't always give us what we want, but then it becomes our task to be able to make the best of it and keep smiling!

I try to give the best of me. This is how my mother taught me, this is Melinda despite the adversities we have to smile at life. I think you are an example of that because I feel that despite everything you are happy

We all do the best we can, don't we?

So is. We do the best we can and try. to be happy with how much or little we have

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