5 Reasons to start dancing SalsasteemCreated with Sketch.

in #salsa8 years ago (edited)

Hello my friends Steemers, it's been a long time since I wanted to tell you about my first passion, even before photography. This passion is the Salsa and more generally partner dances. In my first article here, I shared with you a quote from Nietzsche: "Every day without dancing is a lost day." I have been dancing for 9 years and I have been running a Salsa School for over 7 years with over 200 students a year. The purpose of this article is twofold: 

1. Introduce the fact that I will begin more and more to talk to you about salsa and partner dancing 

2. To give you 5 good reasons to start the Salsa right away and without further delay. 

credit photo : siavach

Reason 1: Be part of a chosen community 

Through our religious, ethnic or social affiliations, we are all part of a community. Most of the time these belongings are not chosen but are imposed on us. To dance salsa is to be part of a community that goes beyond all that you have known. I mean, you're going to meet new people you would never have met without Salsa. The dance makes forget skin color, origins, stutterings, social status etc ... 

 I also understood in dance that our prejudices are clearly shit. I saw black bad beings in rhythm and whites master the Zairian rumba with extreme dexterity. 

credit photo : siavach

Reason 2: Meetings 

So let's talk about what interests you dear reader. Does having a girl (or a man) in the arms makes it easy to meet people? I would say **yes,BUT** ... 

Yes, it facilitates encounters and simply, whether one is a man or a woman, one of the first things that one must defeat in salsa is to accept that an unknown person enters our intimate space. Once you master the different aspects, happiness begins ... However, if you are an asocial or if you have trouble communicating with the opposite sex, salsa and partner dances are not going to work miracles. In short, if you can not conclude your meetings, there will be no change ...

credit photo siavach

Reason 3: Have healtly fun 

In the Salsa community, alcohol and drugs, though not necessarily proscribed, are not really visible. In fact, the more you dance, the less you drink. And that for several reasons. The first is simply that we, humans, do not function mimicry. And if we integrate a community or a practice is marginal, it influences our functioning. In France and more precisely in my city of Strasbourg, the salsa community is badly seen by the owners of pub or bar because they consum more water than beer. I would add that in 9 years of practice, I have rarely witnessed violent behavior in the nightlife of dances. Coming from the middle of hip hop at the base, I can tell you that the change is radical (attention I do not say that hip hop is violent, I just do not know heavy metal or electro evenings as well as hip hop parties. 

credit photo : siavach

Reason 4: Speaking a Universal Language 

Dancing is like learning a new language. A language that you can practice on the other side of the world. Words become sensations at your fingertips. I assure you it's magic. I dance in every country I visit and where it is possible. For example, I did not dance in Iran (I'll let you imagine why). But I danced in Thailand, Bali, Iceland, Tunisia .... The language of dance is universal and you will one day be delighted to feel an immense pleasure to share 5 minutes with a total stranger with whom you have nothing in common and who nevertheless will be your soul-sister. 

credit photo : siavach

Reason 5: Social therapy 

In France, we have an institution that has its roots in the Middle Ages. This is social security. In short, the state must be the guarantor of social justice and public health. So we pay virtually no medical care (in fact, the Liberals are fighting this system ideologically). I know that this may seem too interventionist for the rest of the planet (and Steemit is mainly composed of non French) but we find it super good. I am talking about this because I think that salsa should be taken care of by all the states of the world. Finally if it's not salsa, all partner dances. Indeed, it is the last place near you, where you can approach a stranger and smile and invite him to dance. In a world where the virtual takes precedence over the real, partner dances have more than ever their place in our society to allow us to feel better. 


credit photo : siavach

In the near future, I would give you an article with the 5 reasons not to start dancing ... The choice is yours.


Really good article! I love salsa and I think more people should know about its benefits. I totally agree that a day without dancing is a lost day!

Thanks for sharing with us!
Denitsa ♥

Hey @siavach ! Salsero from Los Angeles here. Great post and if I'm ever in your part of the world I will take your class.

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