You appeared in 4 searches this week

in #sales6 years ago

From: [email protected]
Subject: You appeared in 4 searches this week

I've worked in sales for cough years now and there are lots of things that salespeople say, mostly to their line managers.

I just missed out!

You'll hear this one a lot. This one is generally used by people who haven't any deals on the horizon at the moment, it's used as a kind of excuse as to why. What they're actually saying is "I am making the calls, honest, I can prove that by telling you about someone who has just spent £30,000.00 with someone else!" What they fail to understand is, the only item of any potential interest is the fact that the prospect not only buys stuff, which is obvious even to a blind person, but that they clearly don't mind spending a few pennies. Now that minute nugget of information will probably only be of value in about five years time when they might be looking to upgrade but at this point in time it's actually worthless info to your company, it's a bit like saying "You could have had a lemon muffin with your cup of tea but someone else ate it." Did you just tell me that to upset me?

It's up for renewal next year.

That's great and all that but what have we got today? Sure stick that in your Call Backs and if we are still here and you are still working for us in a years time maybe you can try to bring them over to us but as I say, what have we got today? This is kind of in the same vein as the 'missed out' excuse but at least it's a firm lead to follow up in 12 months time.

It's all done in-house.

What does that even mean? Seriously, as a salesperson, you should be ashamed to let a prospect fob you off with that one. It's not all done in-house, they may well have a dedicated individual but they will still need to purchase goods and probably services. I can guarantee no matter what you sell there will be an element that you offer that they don't do 'in-house' it's the mark of a good salesperson who is willing to work for a sale and discover that need which you are able to fulfil rather than giving in and accepting that blocking tactic.

There's only two people there!

How many people does it take to turnover one, two three, or more million a year? Employee size is no indication of value, sure if your selling toilet rolls for example then I'd agree that unless they eat a lot of curries they're hardly likely to be your biggest order placer but they still ultimately need toilet rolls, don't they?

So what set this all off then Pete?

I have a LinkedIn account, if truth be told I don't use it that much, I can't fathom out what it is trying to be. Is it a kind of advertising yourself site for potential employers? Is it a networking site whereby people can sell to one another? Or is it a sort of Social Network site where business professionals can support each other? I get regular emails from them, mostly trying to prize money from my tightly clenched wallet for such things as Sales Navigator and Premium Service all of which I have no need of. This morning I had yet another email from them telling me I had appeared in four searches this week, only four? Normally I just discard these irrelevant messages but today I started to wonder what the actual value of these notifications is? I mean, so four people looked at my profile, are they going to offer me a job? Am I supposed to look at their profiles so that they, in turn, learn that after looking at mine I looked at there's? (Shades of I'll show you mine if you show me yours) just what is the point of these emails other than to say that people are running searches on the site and you for better or worse was trawled into the sweep.

The point I'm trying to make is, just like the excuses above, there's no tangible value to them, it's not as if the email says "The CEO of Red Hat is looking for specific people and your skills and abilities matched his search criteria." Now I will say dear reader, the email does slip in a caveat of "If you upgrade your subscription we'll reveal the two people whose names we've held back." but I hardly see that as a reason to upgrade. So what I'm saying is these emails are pointless, they tell me nothing and have very little [sales] benefit to LinkedIN but I bet one of their sales coordinators produces reams of search results data at the monthly sales meeting to justify their position?

My actual name is Pete, you can find out Here why I use the username dick_turpin.

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