2017 Pay Review

in #salaryreview7 years ago

Annual Pay Review


Today was my pay review.

You know, that moment when all of your efforts get weighed and measured. All relative to the overall performance of the organisation.
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My 2017 was challenging. I had to overcome a lot of staffing issues while maintaining work quality and quantity.

I had bouts of anxiety and insomnia at certain moments as I attempted to "will" outcomes by using my Force abilities.

By the end of the year, the outcome was quite good in my opinion.

Also, my manager agrees that the outcome was pretty good.
I was not able to complete all of my objectives 100%, so the overall weighting was about 88% - which I would also agree with.

With that performance assessment, I receive a smidgen pay increase.

Me Vs Me

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For me, an increase is just that, and increase.
Certainly, that is nice.

"In Australia, wages are forecast to grow 2.5 percent with real wage growth expected to be 0.7 percent, the lowest among the 97 countries surveyed."(https://www.medianet.com.au/releases/150619/)

Me Vs HR

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Being a manager with some HR duties, I do know that the recommended average pay rise for our company was double for what I received.
So, weighted on that, then I am below average? Seems a bit unfair from that perspective as I put in a fair bit of effort during the year. I would deem myself to be above average for the scope of work that I do.
However, to weigh-up that average %, there are additional additives to the mix.
If you are, as I am, "Market Competitive", as to your Salary range, then you get less than the prescribed average.
This allows for the company to pay those who need a bigger boost, a boost. Which I think is fair, as in the past, I was the beneficiary of such a boost.
So, I think it is reasonable.

Me Vs Others

This one I just add as a side thought. I do not use this in my main thinking. But it is food for thought.
I do know what other people receive in terms of their pay increase.
I know that some individuals, who have little responsibility, work just the mandatory hours & earn close to my salary, received a bigger pay rise due to their job classification.

I brought this up with my manager just to voice it, as harbouring such thoughts eek out later in negativity.
He also sees the same thing, but, the system is as the system does.
I do feel for him, as during the year, he had to do some extraordinary work and did not receive any compensation for those efforts as it was not part of his objectives.

Hopes and Dreams

The other part of a pay review, beyond $$$, is year comments, year to come, career aspirations & training requirements.

My comments were pretty much the same as we had discussed before. The good, the bad & the ugly.
The coming year is to consolidate my new staff and work on their autonomy of role.
To focus on inventory clean ups, administration processes, new system testing and so on.
Outside of that, I am looking for some more challenge.
Everything is running fine for the time being, and my list of tasks for my staff, of which I have 4, are all working on the goals I have set for them.

The exact spot where I wanted them to be, they are close to being there.

My aspirations are minimal, I do not know what I want to do.
I can see myself becoming bored of my role within 3 years.
I may focus on building up my assistant to take over from me.

##The Anti Climax
The boxes are ticked. The work is done.
But I don't feel elation. I feel a little bit flat. My brain cannot think of what to do next.

Overall, I am very fortunate to have what I have. Now, I gotta kick this brain into gear.
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My staff are starting to run most of the department.
They have established relationships with other departments and moving independent.
Normally, I would receive a barrage of questions and enquiries, but now there have been none.
I "slinked" off early today from work, rewarding myself for good behaviour.

The role isn't worth losing sleep over anymore.

The Verdict

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I am going to lower my profile a little bit at work.
Take more of a back seat and delegate more challenges to my team.

I am looking for efforts outside of work that will provide the challenge and reward that I am seeking.
Nothing overly ambitious, but something that will provide the stimulation that I used to receive from my job.

The prospects don't seem worth the effort. So, let me see what my brain will tingle with next...

Thanks for reading.

I'm @jagged



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