How Do You Do Not Die after a Serpent Bitten Snake?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #sains7 years ago

image indosehat

the proper way of handling is to make the part of the body affected by the motionless bite.

The trick is not difficult. Members of the body squeezed with wood, bamboo, or cardboard like a broken bone.

"Truly not moving so that snakes can only exist in place of bites, do not spread throughout the body," said Tri.

If the snaked bit has been successfully immobilized, the time taken to go to a hospital or clinic to get treatment and antibisa snake is actually quite long.c*

Proper care during an emergency will determine the survival of a person through an accident or fatal incident, not to mention the treatment after experiencing a snake bite.

Toxicologists and snakes DR. dr. Tri Maharani, M.Si SP.EM said, there is an understanding of the community about the first handling when experiencing a snake bite is wrong.

Generally, the first action is performed by binding the area around the snakebite area. The goal is to stop the movement of snakes so as not to spread throughout the body.

Another action that is often done is to make incisions in the bite area to remove blood. The goal is the same, avoid the spread of snakes.

both actions are wrong, not helpful at all. Can snakes will still spread to other body parts.

"If tied only make the condition as if the snake can stop. Whereas the tied is a blood vessel. As a result blood clotting to amputation

the proper way of handling is to make the part of the body affected by the motionless bite.

The trick is not difficult. Members of the body squeezed with wood, bamboo, or cardboard like a broken bone.

"Truly not moving so that snakes can only exist in place of bites, do not spread throughout the body," said Tri.

If the snaked bit has been successfully immobilized, the time taken to go to a hospital or clinic to get treatment and antibisa snake is actually quite long.

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