Oslofjord trip - Husbergøy - "sailwithme"

in #sailwithme7 years ago (edited)

(All photographs here taken by a crappy cellphone. Sorry ...)

I got inspired by the posts from @hickorymack under the tag #walkwithme. Today I have a day off due to night duties, so I have some free time in the daytime. That's just fantastic - I'm full-time employed, with family and lots of projects, so it's not often I have time for such things as walking around, taking photos, writing posts. Well, I had some missions for the day, and the first one was to take care of my dhingy. I was trying to get downtown with it a week ago, but got pretty much stuck due to sea ice ... and later the dhingy has been stuck where I left it, probably not a very good place to leave a dhingy. Now it has been a bit mild, and the wind is blowing in the "right" direction. I was quite worried when walking towards the place I left it - was it still there? And would it be possible to use it?

Yes! Passing the corner, I could see my dhingy, and I could see that there was no sea ice around it. The dhingy is just some few pixels big, located between the crane and the bigger boat. When arriving there previous week, I thought it would be nice to store it under the quay, I could probably leave it there for weeks without worrying about it. Now at low water and in the daylight, I realize someone else have had the same idea, and apparently it was not such a good idea ... there is another dhingy submerged in the water there.

Here it is ... a Chinese cheap thing, quite poor quality (that ore just broke off some weeks ago) but it works well in the sea, I like it ...

Photographing towards the sun seldom is a good idea, but I think this turned out nicely in some way ...

Oslo, from the sea

Some of the islands in the Oslo fjord is populated by lots of cottages. This one is Bleikøya. Most of those islands are connected by small passenger ferries, and they are reasonably cheap (included in the regular Oslo transportation tickets).

The sail boat below belongs to a Polish crypto enthusiast. He was living on this boat (with no heating ... brr! and using a dhingy + walk + bus to get to town) in the beginning of the winter, but now he went to Poland. Two days before he left, he actually decided that he wanted to put it on land, or at least leave it in a marina, but that just proved to be impossible. He would have needed insurance, and it seems rather impossible for a Polish person without official residence in Norway to get insurance - further, my insurance company said the boat was too old, they didn't want to insure it.

While he was away, the mast fell down. I don't understand how that can have happened. I got help from some of his friends to get the mast secured. It was a hard job, despite being three persons, despite it being a small boat, and despite that the sea was still ... I absolutely wouldn't want to experience something like that when being caught in a storm with few hands on a big boat ...

It was a quite busy day at the sea, with four freight ship coming/leaving the harbour while I was out, plus one military minesweeper ship practicing. However, all my photos was either with a thumb on it, or totally blurry, so skip, skip, skip ...

I decided to stretch my legs a bit ...

This island is called Husbergøya. The facilities are public and free to use (not the kayaks, they are locked ... but the grill place, the shelters, the harbour). The island is property of Oslo municipality, they use it for some childrens activities, though the Island is located outside the Oslo municipality.

Quite many of the islands out here are regulated as "naturreservat" - which basically means that one can be sure there won't be built lots of private cottages here. There are also some rules - and a small part of the island is prohibited to visit during most of the summer, as one shouldn't disturb the birds.

This place even has a handicap-friendly toilet. Which happens to be locked. Nice. Well, not much pretty, but nice that even the wheelchair-bound can get to appreciate some of the nature out here.

I was here at the 1st of January last time - then all footprints on the island was mine and only mine! I even stayed here with the family, but they never bothered leaving our sail boat. This time there were no human foot prints on the island, but apparently someone has been releasing their dog on the island, there were footprints from the dog everywhere.

There are three cottages on the island, all owned by the municipality and used for some children activities. Earlier it was possible to rent one of them, but not anymore. Actually, there was a huge factory on the island in earlier times - but they have completely removed all traces of that, except the quay. The factory foreman was living in one of those houses.

In the summer time, if being lucky, it's possible to wash hands here - but one has to bring drinks from home.

The part below is the island where one shouldn't disturb the birds. Remember I said it was low water - we almost have no tides in the Oslo region, but there is a little bit, so on high water that is a separate island.

We usually honor property rights in Norway - but when being out in the nature and encountering a desert cottage it is quite normal to take a break and eat a sandwich on the private property, like sitting on the stairs or on a bench. When it's windy and sunny (like it was today) it can be comfortably warm sitting with the back towards a dark wall shaded for the wind but with the wall soaking up the heat from the sun. Since this is actually owned by the public, I even wouldn't mind using the grill. However, I had no charcoal, no food to grill, and the wind direction was such that it was impossible to find a place sheltered for the wind and still being in the sun.

A bird spotting tower.

Raised by the NCC (nordic construction company) children construction school, and presented to the municipality of Oslo.

I would totally have sat down here if it wasn't for the cold wind. (The fence is for security, to prevent people from falling down)

After taking those photos, I decided to sit down and try to write the post on the island. However, it was a bit too windy and cold.

I was also quite concerned, my next leg was a bit long, and now it had become quite windy - and wind causes waves. Luckily it was quite a nice ride, probably because of a favorable wave direction.

All photos in full resolution at IPFS QmXgGmLmnEUbmDmUBq6dBcMnckoWpyCk4DxLsW41BmyPjW


You're lucky :) I can only go on a boat in the summer. And then, it will not be a motor boat, but an ordinary one, with oars.

Actually, I love rowing. My first boat, I bought it with an engine, but I never bothered reading the instructions for the engine even, always being out by oares! However, for transportation it's nice to be able to go in planing speed.

In some situation I have to row this boat as well ... unfortunately it seems modern rubber boats (in general - or maybe it's just the Chinese quality?) aren't made for being rowed. I actually have three boats (four, if including the one I gave away one to the Polish), on three of them the connection between the oar and the boat is destroyed, and on the fourth the oares that came with the boat is so bad it broke when I tried rowing it.

It is a priority for me to have at least one rowable boat, as I think it's important my children learn to row.

It turned out a great walk, I learned a lot of interesting. You have a very beautiful nature, but probably it's always cold? Thank you for the interesting post.

"cold" and "warm" are quite subjective. It's almost never really cold in Oslo, with "really cold" defined as below -20C. We've had a period now with around -10C for a longer time, under such conditions we'll get sea ice ... now it's around 0C. In the summer time, 20C is normal in Oslo.

Sorry for ignorance, just Norway is always in my view it's wind and cold. Now I know that this is not so.

Norway gets a lot of heat from the Gulf Stream, without it it would be only snow and ice here - all year around - but Oslo is in the bottom of a big fjord, hence we occasionally have ice on the sea here.

I was living in the northern Norway - Tromsø, that's a two hour flight right north of here - up there we never have ice on the sea. The winters aren't colder up there than here, but the winters are much longer, the summers shorter and colder.

I was surprised now hearing that there is like -20C and lots of wind in Korea - before them hosting the winter olympics I didn't even know they had winters at all ...

My gosh, you live in such a beautiful place, I'm envious!

That dingy underwater is super sad, I feel for the owner. So many beautiful sights, thank you for sharing!

Maybe the owner has even forgotten that he has that dhingy.

Actually, it should be fully possible to rescue it, just using some winch or ropes and blocks - but it will be quite some work cleaning the boat!

Maybe this could work out as a squatting project for @movingman, he wrote in another comment that he wanted a small boat. The boat was locked by a chain, so it's needed with a bolt cutter. :-)

I first draw inspiration from this concept which am also definitely going to do my one series of walk with me. Though i might not have those beautiful view of yours around here but of course, i will still proudly showcase my environment.

Hope you enjoyed your walk greatly?

Oh yes. To me, just being outside in the daytime in the winter is great! Things are getting brighter now as we're in February, but in the deepest winter it's dark when going to the office and it's dark when going home. Sometimes it really sucks having a full time office job.

(I grew up in the arctic, we had more than two months in the winter with the sun either below the horizon or behind mountains - so I guess I shouldn't complain)

It is always good to have time to relax after work. This will relax your muscles and also help refresh the brain.

I almost never have time to relax after work due to the family situation - and I think some daylight and time outdoors is good for me, every day. I just can't have that nowadays. Even in the lunchbreaks we go to the local canteen, in the same building, even at the same floor ...

A really interesting post. You manage to cover so many little interesting facts and you still take the reader on the intended journey. Thank you.

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