SafeExchange Coin is being delisted on Bittrex
If you own Safexchange Coin (SAFEX) then you should know it's being delisted from Bittrex on December 15.
Founder, Daniel Debak said it will be listed on COSS.IO and Binance by Friday. Don't let FUD get you... this is a great tech and solid team. If anything, pick up a little extra.
good job like it....
Great news, I got some more SAFEX on cryptopia for cheap, no doubt it's going up again soon.
Have you heard of exchange? I've never used it
My blog is mostly about coss, looking at the money earned every week when they distribute the fee among the holders of the COSS coin. Right now the UI is pretty terrible but a new one is coming soon, check it out once it's out it shoud rise fast !