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RE: The Momo Challenge. Parents, be informed.

in #safety6 years ago

Until this morning I had never heard of this
And because I was typing #mom on Twitter and the four suggestions that popped up were all about Momo
So I asked the kids and they started telling me about it and also BlueWhale
And now I see this
It is scary for the really young and the teens who might have some secret compromised...
Thank you for sharing this
The kids seem to think it is ridiculous that anyone would follow through crazy stuff but unless it actually happens... one never knows how one would process it


You are welcome. I am glad you got more informed. That is my goal.

Younger kids would process those things in a whole new level and then grow up with that memory. Teens get that funny way of thinking that it's just funny to do these challenges and would feel like they have to do it because so and so did it. How bad can it be? All those challenges out there are mostly teens and young adults doing them. A lot of them are harmful, if not all.

I'm glad your kids think it is ridiculous to follow but some do still do it. Those that do will have to fight within themselves later on for the violence and mind manipulation they were dealt with. This saddens me quite a bit.

Hopefully with awareness, something can be done

Just generally, I always talk about peer pressure to the kids and hope it makes sense
Even when my girl was watching 13 reasons why, I explained how precious life is and there's nothing that's so bad that you need to end it... that was a long one over many days, subtle (I hope hahaha) so it doesn't sound like a lecture.

It is hard to make it not sound like a lecture or like the kids are being interrogated. There are so many questions I want to ask my kids that I can be more informed in their life when they are away at school. The don't tell me much. I was hoping it would be natural for them to talk about things but they don't. I feel like I am lacking skills when it comes to that.

I have never seen 13 Reasons Why. But by the sounds of it, you did a good job explaining what needed to be said ina great manner. Good job mama!

I think it is also partly them
The girl loves regaling me with everything and anything
She even tells me of her friends s*x adventures... and I can tell you in my head I'm like freaking out but I try to keep my cool so she doesn't get scared and never open up to me ever again hahaha
The boys most times keep things to themselves... and once in a blue moon might blurt out something...

13 reasons why is about this girl committing suicide and leaving tapes to explain why she did it
And many parents were concerned it romanticised suicide...

I have my days, and then there are days I know I could have done a better job
I'm sure we all go through that :D

Ya my son keeps a lot to himself and so does my husband. They are the same in those ways. My daughter does say a few things but tends to leave out some certain things she does. It's funny sometimes.

Oh that movie/show seems rough. I bet many emotions surfaced from that.

We all do go through that wave of uncertainty. We do as we can :)

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