Life Is About Sacrifice. III, Contributed by @Olawalium

in #sacrifice6 years ago

Life is about sacrifice. We shed a part of us for another to live in comfort and if we can all do this, then the world would be a better place for us to live in. Every day we sacrifice something and we just don’t know it. Even if your efforts, sweat or sacrifice goes unnoticed, it won’t be for long, trust me.

I recently moved to my new place and my grandma called me yesterday to tell me she has missed me. I smiled and laughed with her. She then reminded me that I should come around so I can help her offset or pay for the PHCN bill even with me not staying there again.

She never once asked me while I was there. I parted with my money to pay those bills and now reality has set in for her to know it would be an added responsibility for her. The sacrifice has been noticed without me rubbing it in her face or by telling her to appreciate me for what I did. Deep in her heart, she understands now.


Life is all about sacrifice and when we eradicate selfishness and greed, then our world can experience love and peace and we can all heal the world from her injuries.

Sacrifice something for someone today. It could be your money, your time, your comfort, your possession, or anything. If it costs you something, then that's perfect, and that is why it is called a sacrifice. If it means something to you, then it would mean something to the other person, eventually. What would you sacrifice from now on?

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


Well, that's a challenge. We all need to sacrifice for someone, it doesn't necessarily mean it should be your money. It could be your time, your advice, your love and support.

Though unknowingly, we all do some sacrifices every time to our relatives and people around us. Like that of your PUNCH bill, your grandmother didn't see it as a sacrifice until now you are not there again. That's how life is.

People don't know the real value of something until they have it no more. But we don't have to look to that. Helping others should be our priorities and expecting returns of kindness should be the least.

What am I sacrificing? What are you sacrificing? Let us all do some sacrifices to others from now on. Thanks

Those are real questions we need to ask ourselves brother. You have spoken so well. Often times we want to be noticed and want to make it obvious for all to see how much we have sacrificed. It is not necessary. It should be a driving force in us to be willing to sacrifice and be of help, regardless of who is watching. It should be a lifestyle and a little sacrifice goes a long way and we should all inculcate it.

Thanks a lot for this brother. Always appreciated.

Yes, a little sacrifice goes a long way. In fact I don't think there is a sacrifice that is little. Except it is not a sacrifice. Thanks for the feedback bro.

Many times I have sacrificed things in my life, it depends on the circumstances that arise.

Exactly, what we sacrifice and how much of what we sacrifice depends a lot on the situation. Many people hold back from following the prompting in their heart due to fear, selfishness and greed. Life is all about sacrifice and the degree at which we can, is totally dependent on us. Thanks a lot my friend.

It depends dear how much you take care of your loved one. The mpre you love the mpre you sacrifice. Now adays I belive people are getting so mean and selfish that they hardly think of sacrificing for other happiness. In a family we do sacrifice somthing or the other for each other happiness,...which make a good happy family for all.

You are so right my friend. Nowadays selfishness and greed has taken the center stage and people hardly sacrifice anymore. Life is all about sacrifice and more so family. Living for others could help us achieve our own happiness too.

Thanks a lot my friend.

You are right we should try and make some sacrifices so people would say good things about us when we leave. Even if they didnt appreciate what you have been doing right in your presence, they will say it when you leave but only if you make good records

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