General Review of Poolz, A DeFi Powered Fund Raising Ecosystem

in #sa4 years ago

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General Presentation

Crowd funding system is going to another level in Crypto sphere . The existing funds raising model is obviously not reliable and lack sustainability. Most of the project organizers also known as Pool creators crave only about raising funds for the development of their projects. They failed to consider the implication of the ugly funding model they adopted which in turn resulted into massive decline in the price of coins and tokens. I will elaborate this point because it might not be cleared to some of my readers.

The existing project funding model is completely centralized and lacking transparency and sustainability . Most startup projects raises funds in phases . The first fund raising stage is the Private Sale where large scale investors take the lion shares of the company issued token at a very cheaper amount . After private Sale they move to Presale stage where token prices are offered also at cheaper prices .The Final stage is the Publish sale where vulnerable retail investors acquire tokens at a very costly price cheaper than that of Private Sale and PreSale phases. This Model of fund raising is more or less like promoting capitalism in Crypto ecosystem . The Whale investors will without doubt prey on the small scale investors at the short run and this will negatively affect the token price .

We all know Rome wasn't built in a day . Crypto industry is developing gradually and institutional grading system are being deployed in the ecosystem to ensure sanity and fair running of the ecosystem . The Team of Poolz DeFi Platform have designed an highly effective system which will correct all these anomalies. In this Publication, i will be introducing to the public about a Game changing DeFi powered DEX and Fund raising ecosystem willing to restructure existing fund raising model a, hence replacing with an highly effective system which will favor all class of market markers (Investors) and Project owners or Pool creators. In this publication , i will discuss extensively how Poolz intends to revolutionize they entire system and making it sustainable and worthwhile for all classes of Liquid Providers (LP).

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POOLZ is a game changing Decentralized Fund raising platform which links both Investors and Pool creators together in a single decentralized platform . The Team of POOLZ focused on sanitizing crypto fund raising system . Poolz is designed for both existing Blockchain Project willing to raise more liquidity for their projects and the Startup blockchain project willing to raise funds for the development of their various businesses. The main difference is the Decentralized concepts and set of rules involved in using Poolz system for fund raising . In this article , i will broadly explain how Poolz Platform works .
In Poolz ecosystem there are 2 major class of users . Poolz users include the Project owners also known as the Pool creators and the Market maker also known as investors or Liquidity provider (LP) . POOLZ platform is a bridge between these class of users and Poolz system has been strictly designed in a way that both Poolz users will be fairly treated . Poolz implements a powerful Decentralized DeFI DApps that coordinates the fund raising activities without any form of human intervention. POOLZ implement Ethereum Network coupled with advance Smart contract which automate all system of transactions in the platform .

POOOLZ implements two types of Pools on the platform ; Namely : ( DSP) Directly Sales Poolz and Time locked Pools (TLP) . The Direct Sales Poolz does not require any form of lock up period . It simply means tokens are allocated immediately after Swap , investors will be able to trade their purchased tokens immediately after released on swap . Another aspect of Poolz is the (TLP). Time locked Poolz .These category of Pool have a designated Locked up period for token purchased during token Sales . The investors are only eligible to receive their Swapped tokens only after the completion of the lock up period . The tokens will be automatically released at the designated period of time as it has been programed on the DApps .Smart contracts conduct the token transfer to the recipients wallets.

POOLZ currently implements Ethereum Blockchain

At earlier stage , the MPV stage , Poolz platform implements Ethereum blockchain . There is high tendency in the nearest future , Poolz will support multiple blockchain networks to enable platform versatility and supports funds raising system for various crypto projects. Poolz will operate cross chain network system which will enable flexibility in the platform mode of operation . Currently users will be able to intergrate wallets like Formatic , MetaMask , Portis, Coinbase wallet as well as varieties of ERC20 compatible wallets.

DECENTRALIZED POOLZ CREATION MODEL : Poolz implements Decentralized system of pooolz creation on Poolz Platform . The platform enable Project owners or Pool creator to click on Create Pool botton . Since the platform is completely decentralized and not following any Government legislation, Project owners will specify their parameters to create Pool on the platform .

POZ TOKEN : POZ token is the native currency of POOLZ platform , it grants exclusive access to the pools for all users . POZ holders are entitled to earn further POZ token for holding POZ token. Besides, the exclusive offer granted to the users includes special discounts for POZ token holders which in return improve the potential returns for the liquidity miners.

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POOLZ platform has emerged to change the fund raising system in Crypto ecosystem . The fund raising system has been designed in a transparent way where investors and project organizers will have rest of mind . Investors security has been the top priority of Poolz platform , the platform has put in place some token stability mechanism to safe guard the interest of the investors.
POZ seed funding phase has been concluded successfully . Currently the Private Sales is ongoing . Interested investors can keep in touch with the team via E-mail: [email protected]. Below are the funding metrics of POZ token .

Official Links :
Website :
Telegram Announcements:
Our live code on Discord:
E-mail: [email protected]

Bitcointalk username : beleful
Bitcointalk user profile url :;u=2693998
Eth address: 0x69776E601226eaf07d8A5455eEb53eC63A2db8DE

Proof of Auth :

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62869.05
ETH 2545.35
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.72