Do You Think Age Gap Is A Problem In A Relationship?



Hello Steemians
I'm @onlyonefave
From Nigeria
I am really happy to participate in this contest by @ titled: Do You Think Age Gap Has A Problem In A Relationship?
Before I proceed, I woulbd like to invite my friends @imohmitch @markeffiong and @davidmarkgeorge to participate in this wonderful contests. I wish all contestants good luck.

What do you understand by the word "Age Gap"

Personally, I think age gap is simply the difference between two ages. It could be between anybody; siblings, couples, friends, e.t.c. Age gap plays a huge role in picking friends or people you hangout with. And a romantic relationship isn't different. Age gap has a huge role to play there too.

Do You Think Age Gap Is A Problem In A Relationship?

If the age gap is too much, they'll be a problem in a relationship because of the difference in age. One may be more matured than the other which will lead to problems of different levels.
Does age gap really have a way of affecting relationships?

In many ways, yes. Age Gap can affect a relationship positively or negatively. The younger one benefits more than the older person. Because the older one will be like the mentor and guide while the younger person will be the mentee. The latter tends to benefit more than the former which can bring issues because the younger one might not have anything to offer.
Examples can be seen in the cases of older men who date girls old enough to be their daughters. The men give money and sometimes advise while only thing the girl offers in that relationship is sex. Which might get boring from time time. They lose feelings and jump to another for another adventure. Such relationships don't last because one person is living as a parasite while the other is the host.
Even in the case of a graduate dating a secondary School student, you can clearly imagine the problems they'll be facing in the relationship because they're not in the same level and their way of thinking will be very very different because one is more exposed than the other.
Is there any age you're not comfortable with? If your partner has a huge gap above you.

One of the first questions I ask any guy who wants to know me more is his age. I take age gap very seriously. And I don't think I'll be comfortable with any person who is more than 5years older than me. Because we'll definitely not think alike. As much as I need someone who I will learn from, I must also not be a liability in a relationship. So I'll go for someone who is close to my level.


What should be the normal age gap in a relationship?

The normal age gap to produce a healthy relationship should be 2-5years gap. This helps them to connect closely. And they will benefit mutually from each other.

Thanks for reading through 😊


Nice write up you've got here

You gave good examples of how age gap can affect relationships. Kind regards.

It is good to know the age of a guy before dating him my good friend, and not until when we have deedly fall in love. You have presented a good write up. Success to you.

Knowing the age of a guy when going into a relationship is really important. You've made a nice point.

I strongly agree with you, having a partner who is much older than you makes you feel trap and can’t express your views especially in an Africa society.
You look good by the way baby, hope the guy in the picture is not who I think he is.

From the consequences you've mentioned, a great age group really has a great effect.

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