in #rwanda6 years ago


My mind I was given to think deep I think of many phenomena occurring on this Earth they make me say its unbelievable and after reading this you will also agree that God is greater than our minds.

We are born on this Earth but no one can tell how he was during his time in the womb. Look at how tall you are, bigger you are, or how honorable you are, and think back your childhood in the village how you lived. You are now in the big city in a good life you didn't expect to live in. You just say it's unbelievable.

  • Look at how birds live in the sky but none is buried there, they don't sow or harvest but they never loose food. Its unbelievable.

images (1).jpg

  • Look at how the giant planes fly the sky with out falling but let a small bird sticks the engine, the crush occurs in the seconds. Do you feel any movement or look at the directions in the planes? It's unbelievable.
  • Look at thousand tons ship float on water, but a small less gram stone sinks in water. It's unbelievable.
  • Look at how we human beings come from a micro sperm organ and we are grow as big heroes of the world. It's unbelievable.
  • Look at how the Earth rotates but no one feels the motion we are in.


Photos were taken by the author


yup but it all still happens right in front of your eyes

And I complete all by giving glory to God

Well... The Almighty sets up all the creatures with its own benefits and complicated system so human can learn and develope their grateful to God😊 but.. what can you do when human thought that they're greater than God while they can't even create a drop of water without oxygen and hydrogen?

Nice post @jackarphillip😉 really nice to see you keep steeming on

Thank you @cicisaja. Most of people think there is no God but when you look at the different creatures, you have to raise your hands and give thanks to God

Well.. those who considered there's no God probably needs to contemplate and think about their eyes and brain. Brain is the most complicated and amazing things that God gifted to human😊 there's no such things that human can create, not even a computer system or platform like blockchain 😉

I believe one day they will get trapped as Saul (Paul) got

I can appreciate the beauty even if I am not a believer! :-P

There is nothing that can stop you from believing @trincowski. Just think of these questions and if you get the answers for them don't believe, if you don't get them repent and believe God.

  • Who created the small algae that scientists believe all creations come from?
  • Who holds the Earth while rotating for not sliding and loose the orbit?
  • Who are you?
  • Where will you be after this life?
  • Who created the universe?
  • Other questions read JOB chapters 38-41

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