the absurd hypocrisy of Russia-gate

in #russiagate6 years ago

In a recent development, the DNC decided to sue Russia, Trump and Wikileaks for making 2016 Democratic Party presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, lose the election.

Granted, neither the DNC nor their media-pawns phrase it that way, but that is in essence what is happening.
In general, it is worth noting that Hillary Clinton still can't bring herself to deal with the American people's decision to elect her Republican rival, Donald Trump. (In layman's terms, the proper term to describe her behaviour would be "sore loser") This, despite her own ridicule of Trump's promise to contest the results, should he have lost.

The obvious childishness and pettiness of the DNC in dealing with their failure to connect to the electorate isn't the only problem with this lawsuit, that is part of a larger phenomenon called the "Russia-gate" scandal.
Here follows a list of reasons why the entire affair is disingenuous and the "Democratic" is anything but...

1) Trump's crime is that he "saved" democracy

First, let us examine the actual accusations: What is the DNC claiming is Donald Trump's crime?
Hillary Clinton claims that Donald Trump's campaign colluded with Russian intelligence services, who in turn used the free press organisation Wikileaks to steal sensitive documents from DNC servers. A quick primer on that can be found here. The contents of these documents revealed that the DNC snubbed one of its own presidential hopefuls, the popular Sen. Bernie Sanders, in what technically constitutes voter fraud.
So, in simpler terms: the DNC is "accusing" the Trump campaign of revealing the DNC's own undemocratic machinations
It should go without saying, that that is in no way a transgression, but rather a service to both American voters and the due process of democracy.

2) the allegations are ill-founded and insubstantial

As if the ridiculousness and absurdity of the accusations themselves weren't enough, they are also completely baseless. Facts suggest that the documents were leaked by an insider, which was also confirmed by the leak's publisher, Wikileaks.
Furthermore, the evidence that was provided by the DNC, is nowhere near enough to make the conclusions that they made. Investigator Robert Mueller, who was given special authority to pursue this case, yielded meagre results: after months and millions of dollars spent (which makes it more sophisticated than the investigation following 9/11, and that is another scandal in it's own right), their only achievement to speak of was to indict some bloggers. (Which is an affront to right to free speech that America is so proud of, but that's another story) In this video, Green Party candidate, Jill Stein, explains to a reporter why these indictments are nonsensical. (Of course, the media tried to spin her message in a negative light, but that, again, is a story for another day)

3) the hypocrisy of Russia-allegations

Hillary Clinton herself colluded with foreign actors for personal benefit. A crime which can be described as treason. Disguised as a charity, the Clinton Foundation received thousands of million-dollar donations (which it failed to disclose)
This unbridled corruption includes some deals with Russia to sell some uranium, strategic resource, in exchange for bribes. Normally, this type of behaviour would be expected from a third-world dictator, not a presidential candidate in a democracy. In fact, people's lives have been destroyed for "crimes" far less than this. Just look at Assange, Snowden or Manning.

The scandalous circumstances surrounding this "Russia-gate" incident should be very alarming to anyone who wants to live in a free world.
That such absurd and disingenuous allegations were taken seriously is bad enough. However what is much worse, are the reactions of the mass-media. Rather than fulfilling their roles as the fifth column of power, the media establishment of the USA began a witch hunt. Any prospect of intelligent debate has been lost in a tsunami of irrational Russo-phobia. This mania that is sweeping all aspects of American political and social life is destroying democracy at its core: it's discouraging people from participating.
Meaningful contributions to democratic discourse are persecuted and punished, while boot-lickers and liars are rewarded. The Democratic Party gave up on opposing their rivals on policy in any meaningful way. Their only platform at this point in time, is the thoroughly undemocratic and nonsensical tantrum....

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