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RE: Truth Is The First Casualty In War. Especially In Cold War.

in #russia6 years ago

The people who control the international alliances which comprise the western empire are liars and killers, as evidenced by its actions in Iraq, Libya, Vietnam, and Syria . In a cold war, we can expect them to tell more lies, not less. Don't give them the benefit of the doubt.

you should really be introduced to modern anthropology and female sexual mating strategies... it would reveal a new and interesting way to see events.

But I don't get why you neglect the sexual aspect in your reasoning...


Even the Council on Foreign Relations, easily the closest thing you're ever going to get to the voice of the empire, is now openly admitting that the "United States is currently in a second Cold War with Russia.” Wikipedia currently defines the term cold war as "a stat

ahhhh I get your gig now... lol... those guys? ahahahah... who cares what they think, they didn't do anything against telford, rotherham, rochdale, enough with their words, let's see their blood.

those revoling tax payer sucking doors... all of this to buy sugar babies...

you know old girl... becareful.. you seem to be next gen scamer to try to regain the flock, becareful. your people lost all credibility.

and understand it's not against you, personally, but this next gen gate keeper...

show us the blood of our enemies and then we can discuss, otherwise it's just pixels on screen.

do you believe in hate speech? this question is enough.

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