The situation with cryptocurrency in Russia.

in #russia8 years ago

Bitcoin fate in Russia is decided right now.


Hi folks!

I'm from Russia. In the vastness of the Internet, I have met many people who wonder why in Russia want to ban Bitcoin. People are looking for news on this topic, but can not find.

Bitcoin fate in Russia is decided right now.
First Bitcoin would prohibit by law, then we decided not to prohibit. Then again they want to ban, and then again allowed. The situation is such that no one understands anything.

Prove the whole situation by date by date:


  • "The Russian government will prepare a new version of the bill to ban cryptocurrency"

"The last thing we want to do - is to issue laws that would not catch the crooks and substitutes for honest people. Therefore, we will not hurry with the introduction and think again "(c) - Deputy Minister of Finance in an interview with the

  • "Top-manager of VTB cryptocurrency become a real means of payment and savings"

  • Next, the government decided that "Russia may introduce national cryptocurrency"

It is assumed that emissions will be regulated cryptocurrency, issuers will be licensed, rules of exchange - regulated and the anonymity of payments in it - is minimized. According to the authors ideas, this approach will insure the risks of using cryptocurrency in shady schemes to protect the rights of bona fide consumers and reduce the cost of transactions.

  • The Bank of Russia allows for the creation of national digital currency

"As a result of our work we have come to one conclusion: blokchain as the technology used payment Bitcoin system is certainly interesting, but the distributed registries provide more exciting opportunities in the combination of elements not only in the form of chains and validation, but also in processing distributively stored information for more simple tasks, "- deputy chairman of the Bank of Russia.

  • Bitcoin blokchain and should be regulated at the legislative level - Rosfinmonitoring

"The system is based on trust. Legal mechanisms of data protection and the protection of the rights of users of these systems are not developed. Payment instruments - the fruit of realization of creative initiatives of various groups of people. All this is necessary to organize, is necessary to ensure an adequate level of legal regulation. Naturally, the first at the level of the federal law, and after that will go to government regulations and federal agencies ", - Deputy Director of the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring.

  • The Russian refused to establish a national cryptocurrency

"Recognition cryptocurrency monetary unit, independently participating in the calculations, will mean the introduction of another currency in our country - it would require substantial changes in legislation, starting with the Constitution. This option cryptocurrency evoked a strong reaction from the authorities ", - said the head of the interdepartmental working group on risk assessment turnover cryptocurrency Duma Elena Sidorenko.

  • In the State Duma believe in the ability of blokchain help circumvent the economic sanctions of the West

"This is a rare area where the West's sanctions policy allows domestic business to fully express themselves and to create something new that will enable the national economy to break out far ahead", - quotes the deputy Russian news agency

  • Gref predicted regression in case of introduction of criminal liability for the exchange of Bitcoin

"Blokchain, in my opinion - is a new online. Rather, the idea is the same level as the Internet. And this idea has not yet had time to take shape, and our regulator has said that it is impossible to produce cryptocurrency. Then they said that they can not buy, and now they say that those who are trying to buy them, we'll put him in jail, "- said Gref.

  • The Russian prime minister called blokchain "new challenge" to the legal system

"With their help, formed autonomous from the government self-regulatory system, which begin to live by their own unwritten laws. For lawyers - it is a very interesting problem, where very often end up outside the law ", - quotes the Russian prime minister TASS.


What are the causes of uncertainty?
In my opinion, the matter is in government love to control everything and everyone. Bitcoin is decentralized and can not be controlled. Because of what the government is so paranoid want to constantly monitor all? The answer is simple - fear. I think any sane Russian knows that the government is stealing. And the government knows this and is trying to suppress the excitement poor citizens through propaganda, silence, intimidate, to keep everything under control.
Charges Bitcoin transactions are negligible or can do without them. The government, accustomed to levy taxes on remittances can not understand it.

Yet, in my opinion, there is a psychological factor. People are accustomed to the old, stable system, the usual money. And new technologies are not studied them for their scare, frighten something new and strange. Suffice it to recall the discovery and development of nuclear energy and the many fears and protests against it.

Actually, we come to the question of why so many Russians use Bitcoin. The answer is quite simple - Bitcoin is an additional income. The salary at a simple working man is very low, it is very difficult to live. Therefore, people are looking for extra income to the main job. Someone investing in Bitcoin, someone cryptocurrency trades on the exchanges.


My prediction for today is that Russia is always looking at the rest of the country, sometimes adopting their experience. Positive experience with cryptocurrency in Europe and the United States have shown themselves. World Bank is ready to receive cryptocurrency, amozhet even have to work for it. Large investors interested in cryptocurrency. There is no reason not to trust them. I hope that the Government will assess the experience of the western colleagues, and will include in the list of Bitcoin currency.

By the way, Russia is still in some places take btikoin for payment.

  • In Russia, there is one law firm, which allows you to pay virtual currency - Legal Prime GS Consulting. The organization accepts bitcoins for the provision of confidential services in 2014.
  • In the near future on the Three-mountain manufactory in Moscow due to open IT-bar "Key". He previously existed in St. Petersburg, but in June, its creators have closed their offspring and decided to move to Moscow. In St. Petersburg the "key" Bitcoins accepted and arranged meetings of Russian Bitcoin community is likely to continue the experiment in Moscow.
  • Mikhail Kuzmin entrepreneur who owns two bistro Subway, launched their payment Bitcoins. So you can eat a sandwich for virtual currency
  • Online service call Wheely drivers accept Bitcoins in Moscow in 2014. To pay cryptocurrency, the user must fill up in advance the balance of your account on the website.
  • Petersburg hosting provider "Selektel" accepts two cryptocurrency - Bitcoin and laytkoin.
  • Bitcoins are popular currency for the transfer of funds for charity. It takes, for example, "Red Cross". In Russia, Bitcoin can be transferred to the development of some Internet projects.



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