Why? & Who Benefits from the Skripals Poisoning?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #russia7 years ago (edited)


The United States just expelled Russian diplomats in response to the Skripals poisoning in the UK. Other nations have been urged to follow suit and true to form, Australia couldn’t wait to reacquaint itself with the taste of American and British boot leather.

Legacy media outlets have cheered these developments along enthusiastically.

I’m sorry. I don’t want to play this rigged game and I’m damned if I know how any self-respecting “journalist” can allow themselves to be so easily manipulated.

We’ve seen it all before and we know the ending, but maybe because no-one was ever held to account for past mistakes, everyone can just shrug their shoulders and wander down this road to hell because asking for proof or applying a little intellectual rigor to dissect the Johnson/May narrative is all so last century.

Unless you aren’t part of mainstream media – then you can ask all the questions like and bring down the wrath of a thousand media sycophants who can’t stand their integrity, standards or objectivity being questioned.

From the outset, there was something just a little too neat about the poisoning. Sure, Russia is capable of doing it, but were we seriously to believe that a country as sophisticated in the dark arts of sabotage and cold warfare would be so blatant about an attempted assassination?

Typically, Julian Assange was one of the first to urge caution in rushing to judgement with a straightforward observation


This lone voice of reason was completely ignored by the legacy press as they quickly arrived at the governments preferred conclusion by using the now time dishonoured technique of adding one and one to get the answer written on the government media release. The narrative had to be driven and driven it was.

There were calls for the White House to weigh in and if they wavered at all then it was a sure sign of Trump being in Putin’s pocket.

All the while, nothing other than circumstantial evidence was produced. (Can I get a Weapons of Mass Destruction anybody?) Novichok had been developed in Russia, therefore, the poisoning had to be the work of Russians. You could drive a truck through the holes in that argument. Unfortunately for Boris Johnson, Theresa May, the BBC and the rest of the media lemmings, Craig Murray did just that.

In a series of savagely forensic blog posts, Murray, a former British diplomat clinically demonstrated among other things that

  1. That the world was “Russian to Judgement” https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2018/03/russian-to-judgement/
  2. The Novichok Story Is Indeed Another Iraqi WMD Scam https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2018/03/the-novichok-story-is-indeed-another-iraqi-wmd-scam/
  3. That the story was of a type developed by liars https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2018/03/of-a-type-developed-by-liars/
  4. That Boris Johnson is a categorical liar (to be fair Boris is a politician, so you can’t expect much else) https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2018/03/boris-johnson-a-categorical-liar/

Murray didn’t win any friends in the legacy press who attacked him mercilessly. Strangely, Murray’s site experienced a massive denial of service attack designed to take the site offline – just one of those coincidences that we happily shrug our shoulders at and accept as “part of doing business” I guess.

But the show has rolled on relentlessly in its depressing predictable inane criminal way.

And journalism at this inept government stenographer level is criminal. The fourth estate is meant to hold the government to account. It is meant to test and measure arguments and hold politician’s feet to the fire. Apparently, journalists are incapable of asking simple questions and demanding proof. Apparently, when somebody dares to do so they must be ridiculed, howled down and portrayed as a) a lunatic, b) a conspiracy theorist or c) a traitor.

The questions remain


Who benefits?

Russia gains little out of this brazen attack and surely blind Freddy can see that the timing was inopportune for Russia to say the least. So, who could possibly benefit?

Could it possibly be that the same shadowy grouping that has pushed the Russiagate conspiracy theory so relentlessly in legacy media are somehow involved in this debacle?


Who benefits?

Julian Assange made a rather long Twitter posting that made some very interesting connections. About the UK’s involvement in the 2016 presidential elections


No one in legacy media has dared to report those connections – so let’s list some points for discussion that need further investigation.

  1. It would seem that the UK’s interest in the US Presidential Elections went beyond Christopher Steele’s involvement in the work of fiction known as the Steele dossier. Who knew about his involvement and to what end?
  2. Boris Johnson’s connections are interesting to say the least. His grasp of truth is at best a matter of convenience. What does he stand to gain from escalated tensions with Russia?
  3. There is no concrete evidence that Russia was in fact involved in the attack on Skripals. If the British government has actual tangible proof now is the time to produce it.
  4. Legacy media should be condemned and held to account for its failure to adequately scrutinise the WMD lie that they so fervently promoted. It is time that they took a chill pill and went about the business of scrutinising what the government says and holding it to account for the inconsistencies, lies and fabrications that are detailed ruthlessly by Craig Murray.
  5. This is legacy media’s last chance to stake a claim for relevance and reliability. It must start by asking the simple questions – Why? and Who benefits?

Failure to address these issues in open discussions will lead us into another catastrophic mistake. This time the accussed has nuclear weapons. Surely, it's time to critically assess all claims.

My name is Mark Hodgetts. I’m a freelance writer, eking out a crust writing
content for businesses. I’d much prefer to write more articles like this.
You can support me to achieve that goal by following me on
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I’m not sure which aspect of “RUSSIA MANIA” I find most troubling? The fact that our politicians spout it, the media promote it, or, that the public buy it?

Whether it’s Alexander Litvinenko, Guccifer 2.0, or in this case the Skripals, if we’re to believe that in each case “Russia did it”, then we must also believe one of two things… a) Russia’s GRU and FSB are totally incompetent, or b) the prime objective of each mission, was to get caught.

What interesting times we enjoy.

Of course the British staged it. Like the downing of MH17, the Anglo-American empire wants to push the EU to war with Russia. Why? Because China is going to price oil in a gold-backed Yuan. USA can't stay in charge of the world without overthrowing and occupying Russia.

The whole story smells like kippers, the British are quite capable of following protocol, when they choose not to they usually have something to hide.

If the mainstream media (and all the Lobby groups, think tanks, PR and marketing spin doctors that supply it with content) are relentlessly pushing a narrative, you know that the opposite is likely the truth.

I just don't understand how their audience (particularly so here in Oz) still suffer these egregious lies. The UK's presentation of it's evidence was so pathetic and inept, they are seriously "taking the piss".

If only we had a media that would rigorously perform it's function, challenge the narrative and hold government to account. But instead the mainstream media fundamentally broken, and instead of doing anything that resembles journalism, simply runs the pre-prepared copy that it is handed.

JulianAssange Julian Assange ⌛ tweeted @ 22 Mar 2018 - 22:22 UTC

More on Downer-Hakluyt-Clinton lifezette.com/polizette/meet…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

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