Russia are GOLDEN!
Russia now owns 17% of the worlds precious metal (GOLD). They are obviously gearing-up for when the worlds FIAT Currencies crash to a valuation of zero! Now that the Chinese have launched the Petro-Yuan (which is backed by Gold) to rival the Petro-Dollar (which is only backed by faith) you can clearly see why the Petro-Yuan is the currency which the East is starting to switch to and is certainly more appealing to the countries in the Middle-East which produce oil. The world
s monetary powers are shifting from West to East (and the pendulum of power and riches now swings back to the East). The end of the $US is on the horizon but it isn`t something that will happen quickly, it is likely to happen over a period of twenty years or so rather than a couple of years. But with the rise of Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies and the Alt-Coins there is no doubt that the old monetary system is dying-off anyway.