🏃 My Running Log | Andover Parkrun | 20/04

in #runningproject5 years ago

I just finished a 4.98km run that lasted about 0hh:20mm:25ss !


Saturday's Parkrun wasn't particularly special. I'd had issues with my left foot and some minor arch pain, so as a result hadn't run that much or very fast during the week (I often find that higher mileage weeks and more faster runs tend to convert into faster Parkrun times on the Saturday). It was a beautiful morning, although it was a LOT hotter than previous weeks and I definitely used up a lot of energy just trying to cool myself down and I was dripping with sweat by the end; it was my first run in 20°C+ temperatures this year, and I just wasn't used to it.

After a strong PB the week before, my aim was to just get another sub-20 Parkrun under the belt and the fourth in succession. The first kilometre felt great, 3:41/km, and I felt that I could keep it up. But I started to struggle soon after and my legs just couldn't push on, I slowed to 3:59/km in the second, and just about managed a consistent third at 4:00/km. With a longer run on my mind on Sunday morning, I sort of 'gave up' in the last two kilometres, running at a far easier 4:23/km and 4:17/km respectively. Ending up with a time of 20:22 - not bad at all, but I'm capable of a lot better.



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You have uploaded 38 running activities, and 15 of them have been of similar distances (within 10 percent)!
Here are your 5-fastest running activities of a similar distance:

  • 🏃 My Running Log | Norwich Parkrun (PB!) | 23/02 - 4.995km @ 3:55 min/km pace.
  • 🏃 My Running Log | Andover Parkrun | 13/04 - 4.832km @ 4:01 min/km pace.
  • 🏃 My Running Log | Andover Parkrun | 23/02 - 4.97km @ 4:04 min/km pace.
  • 🏃 My Running Log | Andover Parkrun | 20/04 - 4.98km @ 4:05 min/km pace.
  • 🏃 My Running Log | Norwich Parkrun | 30/03 - 4.872km @ 4:06 min/km pace.

Over these 15 similar activities, you have travelled approximately 74.94 kms at an average pace of roughly 4:20 min/km!

Looks like you went a bit faster than usual this time! Nice work!

Does not matter how unfitted you are, just gently start running....
@runningproject quote

*Resteemed by @runningproject

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