in #runninginthemaritime5 years ago (edited)

If you are looking for a cross-training regimen that will improve your running, biking should be your first choice.

The motion of pedaling mimics the motion of running in such a way that it can improve your speed. Cycling also works the quadriceps, or quads, the large muscles on the front of the thigh - which actual running does little to strengthen.


Why would we want to strengthen our quads? Weak quads can cause or aggravate some common running injuries, including runner's knee and illiotibial band syndrome. (refer to my post re: illiotibial band syndrome). If you combine running with cycling, the result is a balance in the strength of your leg muscles. Cycling works the legs, heart, and lungs without the constant joint impact of running. Therefore it makes it well suited to runners who are recovering from certain types of injury. If you cycle with a high spin cadence (pedaling at 80 to 90 revolutions per minute, also termed "spinning") will build the fast-twitch muscle fibers in your legs, which will allow you to stride faster while running.

There are a number of different cycling workouts a runner can do. Whichever one you choose make sure to take the time to pedal easily for 10 - 15 minutes to warm up.

Workout #1

Cycle for 30 minutes at a low gear on a flat course as a recovery workout on those days that you don't run. If you are at the point in your running career at which you are alternating hard and easy running days, you can just substitute this workout for an easy day. Make sure you do not overexert yourself as this would be counter productive.

Workout #2

Take a nice ride at a relaxed pace for anywhere between 1 1/2 and 4 hours. This will help build your endurance.

Workout #3

A 1-hour ride at a moderate effort will help an injured runner safely rebuild stamina and endurance.

Depending on your cross-training goals and your fitness level, you can choose to include additional elements. Keep in mind that these workouts are for intermediate to advanced runners, so don't feel pressured to rush into them.

Hills. oh yes Hills.

Hard climbs of 1 1/2 to 3 minutes that force you to stand up out of the saddle will increase your stamina and push your muscles to the brink of fatigue, much like running sprints will.

Hard/easy intervals.

Hard cycling for 1 to 4 minutes followed by easy cycling for the same length of time will build speed and endurance. Repeat the cycle 1 to 3 times for a complete workout.

So get out there and enjoy a cycle, knowing you are having the best work out for your running.

So having said all that, I thought I would walk the walk and talk the talk. Seemed like a good day to cycle. So out I went to the shed. Oh my how will I ever get that bike out.? What on earth is all this stuff. A wood chipper and a snow blower. Yikes.

Then I remembered we have two feet of snow. So....sign up for spin class on a decent Schwinn....or use the old beast in the basement.

Guess I am going for a run..or......spin classes here I come..........


Source: Google Images


Well done! I enjoyed reading this and found it to be very informative. I’ve bookmarked it (in case) I decide to start running. ;)

ha. lol...thank you. I never thought a non runner would even read this. So thank you so much. Since I am one..(runner and a nutritionist). that is what I mostly write about. day I may catch you at a race. :)))

Even though I am not running yet, I work with a lot of folks who do. Most will work themselves up to running a few marathons and then, they move to Tri (s) and then onto the Ironman. Different issues at every level of training and competition. I help to fix injuries. These are usually because of muscle strength imbalances compounded by repetitive strain and inefficient fluid movement due to muscle guarding (in a nutshell). Lol!
I guess you could say that I am interested in locomotion. ;)

aha. so you are a Chiro or physiotherapist or RMT or something like that. I use a RMT and physiotherapist to help all my imbalances, use the bike and do yoga do improve all my imbalances, there a thousands of them. lol. however other than one day doing a full I will never be an ironman or a TRI. not that young and not that fast and not a good swimmer. but I love running and cycling. and of course food is my game. so I tell runners what to eat. lol Thank you

I’m an RMT who specializes in autoimmune and neurological conditions. Holistic nutrition and balancing the gut microbiome is actually my preferred thing over sports therapy but you have to be a jack in my trade so I do it but it doesn’t light me up. Here’s an article that came across my desk today and I think you’ll like it:

very cool indeed wish you lived here on the coast, thank you for the article and I will read it. I have read similar things and have used the oil before. I am really off my game lately after spending so much time dismantling my mother's home and their lives. My body is feeling the effects. New goal for 2019 back to some proper nutrition and funny that I read this as I just found that oil in my cupboard last night while rummaging around. Thank you..:)))

Cool! You know you’re living in the flow when you recognize the synchronicity. I do my best, when I fuel with mostly fat and keep glucose (in any form) low. Feed my bacteria with prebiotics in the form of raw greens. ;)

yes. and when I fuel my body the best way possible , I feel empowered, 20 years younger and totally isync with life. I actually glow. :)))

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