Second week of the new training block – It’s not getting any easier

in #running6 years ago

After a good two days off over the weekend, it was back into running 20kms before breakfast and 20kms before bed. As the week went it looked to be a good week, but things took a turn towards the end of the week.


Things started off well enough. I ran my circuit in the morning and felt pretty good about it. The evening session went well also, slightly faster, and left me feeling positive for the week ahead.


Last week I’d had to skip the evening session because it was just so hot. No such problems this week as I completed both sessions on almost exactly the same amount of time – 2:01:26 and 2:01:25. I was feeling a bit knackered, as you might expect, but still on target to have a good week. I had also now run more than at the same time last week – so progress was being made.


Wednesday was a public holiday here n NZ, so I took the day off. I started with a 20km run in the morning (a bit later than usual) and that went quite well. I then slept for pretty much the rest of the day. I was so exhausted. I didn’t run in the evening, and instead opted for a massage. That seemed to help a bit.


Back into it for Thursday, and I managed to get out and run the circuit both morning and night. I was still a bit tired, but felt good going into Friday that I could complete the rest of the sessions. I’d decided to run a short circuit in the morning as I had arranged to meet up with the race director from the WUU2K to go for a trail run in the afternoon, if I could get off work early enough.
Thursday afternoon things turned to crap at work and any running on Friday looked doubtful.


No running this morning as I was at my desk shortly after waking up, and I spent the rest of the day dealing with issues at work. I missed the trail run with Gareth, and by the time I finished work, it was 10:30pm and I was shattered.
It’s the weekend now and I’m still bashing away at issues, trying to get stuff done. But at least I know I had another big week, despite missing a few sessions.

I did 140kms over the last week. 6kms more than the first week of the new training block. I think I’m starting to get the adaptations going to feel more comfortable running this volume.

The next week will be the test I think. If I can keep this up for another week I should start to feel less and less tired and the effort to complete the circuit should be less. I have two more weeks at this distance, then a light week and then we step it up once more.

Progress is being made, slowly.

Having spent the weekend working, I'm hoping next week will be a bit more runner friendly.

I also lost my top spot on the leader board today, dropping to 5th as a bunch of people completed the Tawarewa Ultramarathon and put in more kilometers in one day than I put in all week. Good on them!

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the training seems to be paying off, well done

It's starting to work I think. This morning's run didn't seem nearly as hard as previous ones. But I've also just had three days off, so...

Keep on trucking

Every day is a good day when you run.
Kevin Nelson

Wow, thats a big training week Trevor. Make sure you take care of yourself and recover well.

Thanks. I'm taking the weekends off to let my body recover a bit. It seems to respond best when I hammer it for a bit and then take a breath and go again.

I'm not saying it's a smart way to train...... hehehe

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