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RE: Couch to 5k – I need some help or input from runners and non-runners

in #running6 years ago

Here are my concerns

  1. Running hurts knees
  2. Previous injury aggravation
  3. Clean air areas...smog in CA
  4. Saftey... carrying genitals lol
  5. Diet & water intake
    Thanks so much for caring.

Hey @sweetjoy thanks for that.

I think for everyone starting out in running, something is going to hurt. But if you do it right the hurt doesn't need to last forever.

If you have a previous injury, depending on that it is, and where it is, you can still run. I've run with broken feet, ribs etc. It hurts, but it can be done. I'd be suggesting that other don't try doing this

Not much we can do about smog - at least in a video hehehe

Safety is an interesting thing to touch on, mainly because it means different things to different people. Where I live it is totally safe to run - I live in a modern city, crime is low, there are not wild animals capable of doing any real damage to me here. But it is still possible for me to trip over on a trail and not be found for days. Even in the heart of the city.

Diet and water for those just starting out can be really important. but while I think it's a good thing to talk about, I'd not encourage wholesale diet changes in the first few weeks. Overloading something struggling to get out and run for the first time, is possibly going to be just too much for them.

what worked well for me was running first and then finding out how to best fuel my body to run further.

Thanks for your comments. I'll certainly take them on board for the videos.

I forgot to mention the smokers .. cigarettes or whatever lol

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