Yiannis Kouros - Running God

in #running8 years ago


Yiannis Kouros was born in 1956, in Tripolis, Arcadia, Greece. He began writing his own poems and melodies at the age of twelve. During his high school years, he took lessons in Byzantine and European music, as well as singing. From sixteen and on, he dedicated more time to sport, and as a result of this, he is the number One ultra-marathon runner in the world today and holder of 134 World Records.
He has also been involved with music, literature, poetry, song writing and singing. He has four LPs to his credit (two vocal and two orchestral ones), and has taken part in singing competitions.
In 1990 he migrated to Australia, and since then lives there permanently. In 1992, he began his studies at La Trobe University in Melbourne, concentrating more on music and Modern Greek literature (BA). He continued to do his Honours. His Honours thesis was on the collection of poems The First Sun, by Greek poet Odysseus Elytis. In March of 1993, he won first prize for his lyrics in the song The Colour, Which Colour, in the Antipodes song competition. Yiannis is currently completing his Masters in Greek Literature. His thesis topic is: The Role of Movement, Music and Dance in the Works of Nikos Kazantzakis. He has also just published his first collection of poems called Symblegmata (Clusters). Moreover, he is also planning to record a series of new songs. The Six-Day Run of the Century, is his first major book.Yiannis Kouros

Yiannis Kouros is well known all-over the world with his decades of mythical and unbroken World Records, which he has achieved in ultra-running. At the same time, he is an author, poet, composer of songs and instrumental pieces, painter, as well as a visionary, supporter and promoter of peace around the globe. He has inspired many people with his achievements and the philosophy that he implements, gaining innumerable admirers and fans, who consider him as their motivation mentor and guru. He aims to get people inspired and alert, so they can discover and utilize the unconditional abilities of human beings, in order to bring (beyond personal improvement) unity, friendship and harmony to the world.By Dimitri KaraiskosIntroduction

Who the ultra-marathon runner Yiannis Kouros is, and what his gigantic performances and his literally unachievable (113!) world records are, is known by many millions of people around the globe, who admire him and try to catch him.
You see, he is an idol for every athlete and especially the young.
While his ultra-running achievements have made him well known and very popular his non-athletic activities (literature, poetry, painting, composing, singing etc) are also very remarkable. A versatile talent, a restless mind, an unyielding fighter, a right gallant man. His goal is high: completion. The right completion of the three worlds that constitute the personality of every human being -the physical, the intellectual and the spiritual.
People that are familiar with Yiannis Kouros, know that he has achieved a very high standard in this race of completion. But the unquenchable flame, which burns inside him, makes him continue the good race of completion. He believes that he has not arrived yet to the top, even though there are many people that believe that he has -especially in the athletic field - at such a high level, that no other human being has achieved and will NEVER achieve on earth. And this is so without a dose of hyperbole.
The world champion Y. Kouros, who combines harmoniously a healthy body with a rich intellectual and spiritual world, is the ideal role-model of a "good and kind" man -according to the ancient Greek meaning of this expression. Honor and glory to Greece that brought to the world such a son. Honor and glory to Arcadia, the gallant-mother.WHO IS WHO of YIANNIS KOUROS
Yiannis Kouros was born in 1956, in Tripolis, Arcadia, Greece. His house, in the neighborhood of St Barbara, is only 500 meters from the statue of revolutionary hero, Theodoros Kolokotronis, in Areos Square. It seems that Yiannis inherited from him the gallantry and his endurance to bear the big hardships. His house is only 700 meters from the house and the bust of Kostas Kariotakis, the tragic poet. It seems that he left Yiannis the aptitude for literature and poetry, painting and music, and everything that is beautiful in life.

  1. He finishes the Model Primary School of Paedagogic Academy in Tripolis.
  2. He graduates from the 1st High School of Tripolis. As a student, he expressed his first artistic inclinations, and was involved systematically with athletics, where he had many successes in Pan-Hellenic games.
  3. He runs his first marathon, in the classic course, in 2h:43:15. His marathon P.B. was improving year after year, until 1982, when ran the same distance in about 2:25. The long distance running began to bewitch him. The small income from various jobs he was involved with to earn his daily bread did not worry him. Instead, deprivation is what equipped him with iron-will. And he battled like a lion, not only in athletics, but also in other fields in life. At this point, I would like to open a parenthesis about deprivation. In one of his interviews, which was published several years later, Yiannis Kouros made a synopsis of his "belief" in the following phrase-incitement: "UTILIZE YOUR INNER HIDDEN POWER! YOU CAN!". He believes that there are two basic methods to discover your inner hidden power. The first is deprivation and the second is learning. Let us not forget that these words of Y. Kouros have a general application and everlasting value. This way -utilizing his mental and spiritual power- Y. Kouros became great and continued to accomplish great things, especially on a world class level.
  4. He has completed about 25 marathons and runs the 1st Spartathlon. He finishes 3 hours and 15 minutes ahead of the second runner. In the following years he ran another three times, wining all races, and today he holds the 4 best course performances ever. He realizes that his future lies in ultra-running.
  5. The dance of gigantic ultra-running races around the world begins. The little eagle of Arcadia sprouted its own wings and began the attack. Within few years he had beaten all the giants of ultra-running. Downpour of World Records. Literally, he has gone on the rampage. The whole world follows him speechless. Soon he arrived in the highest pick that nobody ever had. He is continuing even today with youthful vigor, that fascinates everybody. And if he remains free from injuries, he is probably going to be a protagonist, breaking World Records for many years.
    Good on you, Yiannis! Let God keep you healthy, able to continue accomplishing great things; to show humanity that the human limits go far beyond the point that even the most daring people believe. This message of optimism, which you send, is in absolute need for today's people. We are all in absolute need of it and we thank you from our heart for the optimism that you fill us up with. This message of optimism is essentially the big heritage that Y. Kouros leaves to present and future generations.
    1983-2000. Yiannis Kouros has won 53 gigantic ultra-marathons. These races and performances can be seen in his analytical list of victories and Records. Remember! Every line and a race. Truly, how simple and easy it looks! But, in action, how much sweat and super-effort was needed! How much unbearable pain and what kind of mental and spiritual deposits were needed, in order to surpass the pain and be able to continue!
    In his book the Six-Day Run of the Century, we read: 'when the body has given up the ghost, only through will power it can be mobilised.' It is not easy 'to grasp what is taking place in the mind and the soul, in the senses and beyond the senses of a runner due to the refusal of the body.' Only if the runner achieves his transcendence, and especially in metaphysical level, he is then be able to continue.
  6. Y. Kouros is forced to a voluntary exile, migrating to Sydney, Australia, to which his Records are credited.
  7. He attends a course for Aerobics, Fitness, Physiology & Management at the N.S.W. University and receives his diploma. Later, he moves to Melbourne and establishes an athletics section under the umbrella of Alexander the Great Soccer Club -for first time in the history of Greek migrants to Australia.
    For several years he continues the ultra-marathons all over the world. World Records continue to sweep from the storm that is called Y. Kouros. This time, not from the Greek, but from the Australian Y. Kouros (who simply happened to be born in Greece).
    But Greece is wooded. She repented of sending away without reason and mercilessly her extra-worthy son. She opened her arms and asks his understanding. And Y. Kouros gave it to her:
    1997.a) He receives an award from P.S.A.T. (Pan-Hellenic Club of Sports Journalists) at the special awards for the best athletes of the year.
    b) The first Koureia games are held in Vlachokerasia, Arcadia, in the most beautiful and idyllic forest of Skyritis, where Y. Kouros used to train. Koureia is an annual open cross-country race, to honor Y. Kouros.
    1998.a) Some of Y. Kouros' Records are listed in the Greek edition of GUINNESS Book of Records. With this opportunity, let me point out that 11 Records of Kouros (more than any other athlete) were listed in the English edition since 1995 and some of them since 1984.
    b) With the expiration of this year he receives an honorary position in the Greek Air force. The Greek State did its duty.
  8. The Prefecture of Attica on a special ceremony proclaimed him as an Ambassador of Hellenism.
    A plethora of honorary distinctions of smaller range outside and inside Greece, follow. But, not only the head but also simple people open their arms to Y. Kouros, who has started to run again as Hellene.
    He is proclaimed by the Neos Kosmos Newspaper of Melbourne, Australia, as the most popular Greek-Australian of 20th Century.
    The Runner's World magazine (January 2000) proclaimed Y. Kouros as the 7th best runner of the MILENIUM and, consequently, as the best ultra-marathon runner of ALL TIME.
    Before the Sydney Olympics, the Australian Olympic Committee, together with the "Center of the Mind" invited Y. Kouros -along with other great figures and Olympians, like Irena Sewinska, Ron Clark, Herb Elliot- to take part in the convention with the title What Makes a Champion.
    Maybe, this alone shows us the athletic high of the person we present here.
    Here are some selected titles or expressions that Y. Kouros has called by the world Press:
    "Ultra-marathon God", "King of the road", "Colossus of roads", "Emperor of Ultra-running", "Golden Greek", "Legendary Golden Greek", "Immortal Legendary Greek Ultra-distance Runner", "Greek God", "Little Greek God", "Pheidippides Successor", "Superman", "Bionic Kouros", "Miracle Man", "Superhuman", "Greek Mashine", "Super-athlete of the Millenium", "World Record Breaker", "Record Maker", "World Beater", "Recordman", "Unstoppable", "Unbeatable", "Supreme Hero of Ultramarathoning", "Greek Hero", "Master of Pain", "Master of Mind Games", "Poet of Endurance", "Poet in Motion", "Fearless", "Incomparable", "The Greatest", "Greek Streak", "Super Kouros", "Relentless", "Freak Marathon Man", "Amazing Yiannis", "Speed Kouros", "Finisher Ahead of Time", "Hailed as a God",...YIANNIS KOUROS, THE MAN OF LETTERS AND ARTSTo the man of letters and arts should be enlightened the following sides of Y. Kouros:


  1. He enters La Trobe University of Melbourne. For three years he studies Modern Greek (language, literature and history of immigration) completing 10 units -where 9 are sufficient for BA. During his studies he won the Popular Bank of Cyprus Award, as the most distinguished student of the Greek Department of La Trobe University. In his forth year -at Honours level- he studied Modern Greek Literature and Literature of Diaspora, completing his Honours Thesis on the collection of poems Sun the First, by Greek poet Odysseus Elytis. He passed with a general 90% (H1) and won a two year scholarship for MA (masters) His thesis topic is: The Role of Movement, Music and Dance in the Works of Nikos Kazantzakis.
    During his stay in Australia he takes part in various lectures, book launchings and literature competitions. He was Vice-President in both Greek Writers Associations of Melbourne. He attends conventions and seminars for national, linguistic and cultural topics.
  2. His first book the Six-Day Run of the Century is published (Ypsilon Publications, Athens, Greece) with a variety of contents (athletic, biographical, poetic, philosophic, critic etc.). It is a very remarkable book, written with a lot of care. From those who read his book, only positive and good comments have been heard. The most common comment, that is still going around, is that it is a masterpiece that keeps the interest of the reader and, at the same time, a useful book of real wealth. New York Times -among other big papers and magazines- covered the 1984 N.Y. 6-day race, where Y. Kouros broke 16 World Records and left speechless, not only America, but also the whole world.
    In a few months the Six-Day Run of the Century will be published in English, as it has been translated by Dimitri Gonis and is now under the process of editing.
    In the near future another book of Y. Kouros will be published, entitled Winged Reflections and Philosophical Apothegms, in both Greek and English. He is also working on books about endurance running, training, health, experiences from races, a non-fiction one and many others.


  1. His first collection of poems called Symblegmata - echoi kai stichoi- (Clusters - Sounds and Verses-) is published only in Greek -except a couple of poems that were written in English (by his own Publications, Telephos, Melbourne). It is a collection of 47 poems written in a unique style. It is about a sophisticated manifesto, prototype and conventional. At the same time, it is a deductive synthesis. Today, this edition is out of print.
    Y. Kouros has written more than 1,150 poems. He himself has put into music about half of them and is aiming to put music in most of them. He is preparing for the publication of several collections of his poems.


At the age of 12, Y. Kouros began to write his own lyrics and melodies. During his High School years he attended classes of Byzantine and European music, as well as vocal lessons.
From 1974 to 1981 he worked as lyricist, singer and song composer in a music company, in Athens, where he released 4 personal LPs (2 with songs -lyrics, music and singing by Y. Kouros- and 2 instrumental) plus a number of 45' disks.
1992-1996. He studied music (instrumentation, harmony and atonal synthesis & analysis) at La Trobe University of Melbourne.

  1. He wins the first prize for his lyrics in the song The Colour, Which Colour, in the Antipodes Festival Song Competition.
    He is planing to record a number of his songs for his next LP or CD with his own lyrics and instrumentation.


Painting was the big love of his childhood but it is the art for which Y. Kouros feels sorry. The reason? Lack of time, of course. What can he do first? He has eliminated his sleeping hours, but again, this love of his (painting) is complaining and asks him to spend more time with her. Y. Kouros, for the last 20 years sleeps less than 3 hours per 24 hours, steels rarely a few hours -usually when he is injured or not traveling- to express himself in painting. He hopes that after his 70s he will be dedicated completely to arts.
Y. Kouros has completed about 35 oil paintings, mainly portraits, athletic activities and landscapes.

  1. Some of his works were exhibited in the Exhibition Center of Athens Municipality together with works of other Greek athletes. In the same year, his works were exhibited during his book launching in Athens, at Eleftheroudakis bookshop hall.
    Some of his paintings were purchased by auction for the Hellenic Center of National Studies (La Trobe University) and they decorate its Hall of Fame.
    Painting is a good evolvement that relaxes Yiannis, fills his soul and expresses him completely.
    He is planing to exhibit his work in a one-person exhibition in Melbourne, later this year, and elsewhere next year.


  1. Y. Kouros played the role of Pheidippides in the movie A Hero's Journey, which unfolds the history of marathon running. Truly, who else could play the role of Pheidippides other than the so-called "Pheidippides Successor", Y. Kouros, who has run the distance from Athens to Sparta 4 times and holds the best 4 performances of the course?
    His talent as an actor didn't continue, due to lack of time; but who knows what will happen in the future. If Y. Kouros puts something in his mind, no matter how difficult it is, he is able to achieve it!

List of Yiannis Kouros world and course records

Below is a list of some of Yiannis Kouros' Ultra Vistories with some of those Victories resulting in World Records which have been highlited in red.

  1. Spartathlon '83 (Athens to Sparta) (250 km in 21h53'40"), course record.
  2. Across Austria 3 day-stage race '84 (Danube) (320 km in total time 23h16'15"), course record.
  3. Six-day run, New York '84 (1,022.8 km), 16 world records unbroken from 1888.
  4. Spartathlon '84 (20h25'00"), new course record.
  5. 24-hour run, New York '84, Sri Chinmoy (177 miles), 3 world records.
  6. 6-day run '84, Colac Vic. AUS (1,023.2 km) 10 world records.
  7. 48-hour run, World Championship, FRA '85 (452 km), 6 world records.
  8. Sydney-Melbourne '85, AUS (960 km in 5d05h07'), course record plus 11 world records
  9. 100 km European Championship, BEL '85, 6h25'00", course record.
  10. 24-hour run, New York '85, Sri Chinmoy (178 miles), world record.
  11. 7-day -stage race (Wellington to Auckland) NZ '85 (718 km in 65h14'05"), course record.
  12. 24-hour run Indoor World Championship, Chicago USA '86, 6 world records.
  13. 24-hour run, Montmany, CAN '86 (225 km), course record.
  14. 100 & 70 miles run, New York '86, Sri Chinmoy, course record.
  15. Spartathlon '86 (21h57').
  16. Sydney-Melbourne '87 (1,060 km in 5d14h47'), course record, 9 world records.
  17. 24-hour run, Montmany, CAN '87 (236 km) new course record.
  18. 24-hour run, Westport, N. Y. '87 (142 miles), course record.
  19. Sydney-Melbourne '88 (1,016km in 5d19h14'), course record.
  20. 1,000 miles run, World Championship, New York '88, Sri Chinmoy (10d10h30'35"), multiple world records.
  21. Hiroshima-Nagasaki Peace Run '88 (430 km in 54h...?), course record.
  22. 24-hour Indoor World Championship, England '89 (272.8 km), world record.
  23. Olympia-Athens Sri Chinmoy '89 Peace Run (350 km in 34h), course record.
  24. Sydney-Melbourne '89 (1,011 km in 5d02h27'), course record.
  25. Sydney-Melbourne '90 (1,008 km in 5d23h55').
  26. 24-hour run, Olympic Park, Melbourne '90 (280.369 km).
  27. Spartathlon '90 (20h29').
  28. 24-hour run, Wyong N.S.W. '91 (258 km).
  29. Sydney-Melbourne '91, Southern Motors (1,070 km), 5d7h.
  30. 12-day Kelefthos run, Crete, Greece '94, course record.
  31. 24-hour run, Coburg Stadium, Melbourne, '95 (282.981 km) 5 Australian records.
  32. 48-hour World Championship '95, FRA, 2 world records (24h: 285.363 Km & 48h: 470.781 km).
  33. 24-hour run, Coburg Stadium, Melbourne, '96 (293.704 km) 5 World records.
  34. 48-hour World Championship '96, FRA, world records (473.797 km).
  35. 100km Australian Championship '96, Shepparton (6h56'46"), course record.
  36. 24-hour run (Sri Chinmoy) AIS Stadium, Canberra, 2-3/3/97 (295.030 km), 4 W. R. & 7 Australian.
  37. 24-hour run, Coburg Stadium, Melbourne, 12-13/4/97 (266.180 km).
  38. 48-hour World Championship '97, FRA (422.829 km).
  39. Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossoms Run (passing the Swiss Alps) Tenero-Rapperswil (250km in 24h).
  40. 24-hour Australian Championship '97, Adelaide, 4-5/10/97 (303.506 km) 5 W. Records (in 200 k, 150 miles, 250 k, 300 k, 24 h.) & 3 Australian (100 k, 150 k, 100 miles) and all the above as veteran records.
  41. Radio-marathon for the disciple children (600 km), from Ancient Olympia to Athens and through many villages of Cyprus (Larnaca, Limasol, Nicosia, 8-11/11/97).
  42. 100km Australian Championship '98, Traralgon, Vic. 5/4/98 (7h14'35"), course record.
  43. 24-hour run, Basel, Switzerland, Sri Chinmoy, 2-3/5/98 (290.225 km) 4 world records (200 k, 150 miles, 250 k and 24 h), 5 veteran records, course rec.
  44. Canberra to Sydney 300 km Run for World Peace, 30/4-1/5/99.
  45. 24-hour run, Coburg Stadium, Melbourne, 8-9/5/99 (251.2 km).
  46. Delphi to Athens, Apollonian Run (180 km in 17h 15'00''), 30/6-1/7/99.
  47. Toledo 24h race, Olander Park, Sylvania, OH (USA Championships), 18-19/9/99, course record (269.468 km).
  48. 24-hour European Championship '99, Verona, IT, 25-26/9/99 (262.3 km).
  49. Radio-marathon for the disciple children (800 km) from Yugoslavian border (Evzonoi) to Athens -600 k in 6 and a half days- and 200 k for 3 days in Cyprus, 18-24/10/ and 1-3/11/99.
  50. Ancient Plataiai to Delphi, GRE, searching run, 6/5/00 (107 km in 8:43).
  51. 48-hour World Championship, Surgeres, FRA, 1-3/6/00 (404.432 km).
  52. 24-hour run, Verona, IT, 23-24/9/00 (265.683km).
  53. Six-day run '00, Colac Vic. AUS, 19-25/11/00, (801.6 km) Greek 40-44 veteran records at 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 d.
  54. 6-hour run '01, Coburg Stadium, Melbourne, 7/4/01 (73.976 km).
  55. 24-hour World Championship '01, Verona, IT, 22-23/9/01 (275.828 km).
  56. 100 miles Great Lake Run, N. Zealand, 16/2/02 (12:35:48) 3 age 40-49 World Records
  57. International 24-hour run '02, Taipei, TW, 2-3/3/02 (284.70 km) 6 W. Records
  58. International 48-hour meeting, Surgeres, FRA, 3-5/5/02 (436.702 km) 7 W. Records
  59. Bekescsaba-Arad-Bekescsaba Ultramarathon, HUN-ROM 18-19/5/02 197km in 14:07:33
  60. Mexico City 12-hour race, Olympic Committee Stadium, 17/8/02, (154.733km) World best performance in high altitude
  61. Toledo 24h race, Olander Park, Sylvania, OH (USA Championships), 14-15/9/02, course record (277.356 km). (2 World 45-49 Records)
  62. Sunmart 50 mile Trial, Hunstvile, Huston, TX USA, 14/12/02, (6:09:00:45) 40-49 age group course record
  63. International 48-hour meeting, Surgeres, FRA, 2-4/5/03 (438.813 km) age 40-49 W. Records
  64. Around the Paros Island, GRE, 21/6/03 53km 3:28:12 course record
  65. 6-hour run '04, Haidari Stadium, Athens, GRE, 17/4/04 (84.945 km).
  66. International 48-hour meeting, Surgeres, FRA, 28-30/5/04 (443.639 km) 2 age group 40-49 W. Records
  67. Around the Paros Island, GRE, 3/7/04 52km 3:28:50 course record
  68. Sunmart 50 mile Trial, Hunstvile, Huston, TX USA, 14/12/02, (6:11:)
  69. Feidippides's Achievement, GRE (Athens-Sparta-Athens), 53h:43:11, course record
  70. 6-day run '05, Colac Vic. AUS (1,036.850 km) 3 world records and 6 age group 45-49 W. Records.
  71. 3-day race "Across the Years", Arizona, USA, 29/12/05-1/1/06, ( 520.5km), 2 W. Records and 2 45-49 W. Age Records


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