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RE: The last big dress rehearsal is over and the results are in

in #running7 years ago

You went running with a broken rib??????????????????????????????

Holy crap you are hardcore.

When I was a teenager I broke a couple of ribs falling off my motorbike. And two months later I still coundn't run 100m (slowly) without nearly collapsing in agony. And I was the school 1500m champion.

Last year I broke a couple of ribs crashing my car. (notice a pattern here?)
And a month later I could still barely walk to the mailbox because I couldn't breathe. In fact I lay in bed for a month with my laptop and found a really cool website called Steemit.


Not so much hardcore really. It's the environment I grew up in.

Pain is no reason to quit. It hurt, quite a bit, but not enough that i couldn't keep going.
My plan is to start running ultra marathons, so a good tolerance of pain is going to be quite necessary :-)

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