Countdown to my first Marathon - 29 days to go [47/50 #fiftyrunstillmay]

in #running6 years ago

Long Run Day

For some reason I wasn’t looking forward to my long run, I think it’s because I did 19 miles last week so I new what to expect, I knew I had to run for a good 3 and a half hours around the streets of my local area on my own. I like running on my own as I’ve always done it to have me time, just me and my music but running for that amount of time is a totally new ball game. Once I get out I’m usually ok, having the same arguments in my head about how I should just give up and go home because I can’t do this but the other side saying you can do this you’re not a failure. Thankfully the positive always wins at the moment.

Today’s run was to be about 32 km (20 miles) my longest run ever again, I’d worked a route out the night before so I was prepared and knew where to go. That looked so far!

I got up and had a coffee and porridge, not as early as I’d hoped because I needed to be out by 8.30am as I needed to be home by 12.30 but I thought an hour to an hour and half would be ok to digest the porridge, it’s not like a massive meal. I got all my energy gels and water sorted and headed out the door. The weather was ok cloudy, not too windy and warmer than it has been at about 5 or 6 degrees.

The run wasn’t going too bad,I was trying to pace myself at anything between 6.30km/6.45km, but by the time I got to about 12 km I started to slow. I have no idea why but I was struggling. Maybe it was because I was trying just gels and water rather than using tailwind (a powder you mix with water and drink). I managed to keep the pace at under 7km until about 21km then I had to give in to walk breaks for the rest of the run. I walked and ran the last 11k but as much as I struggled, hurt, wanted to give up and never run again I managed to do the 32km (20 Miles). I felt disheartened even though I had just completed my longest run ever and still at a pace that I could complete a full marathon within the time I was aiming for (under 5 hours). I was hurting, I was tired and it’s the first run that I’d really not enjoyed!

I have one more really long run to get through next week before I start tapering, I can’t wait.

Here’s a few pics that I took on my run.




I am lucky as where I live I can run in some very different areas. Countryside, by the sea and by the river so at least the view is varied.

Here’s a picture of my route and the splits from strava.




Thanks for looking
Happy reading peeps 🖤

Proud to be part of @runningproject and @isotonic


Don’t let it bother you that you slowed down and took the walk breaks at the end. There are so many variables when doing this kind of training. Anything from subtle dietary shifts to sleep patterns to just being a little worn out can have an effect on a given run.

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