Vertical run

in #running6 years ago

Last weekend I was in Northern Norway where there is only one way to run: Up! Of course I had to take advantage and go for a vertical run. I warmed up with an easy flat K before starting the trail upwards. It was so steep I had enough with walking most of the time. It was raining and windy, so when I got above the tree line I had to keep moving otherwise it was too cold.


Here are the Strava stats. It might look like I was crawling backwards time wise, but check out the climb below. It was too steep and slippery-muddy to run down parts of the trail as well, hence the pace.



The view up here is amazing! Because of the weather it doesn't show too well in these pictures.




This photo is from the same place on a sunny day. It also happens to be my cover photo.



Wow! very cool effort on that hill!

It takes a lot of determination to climb something like that when it is windy and raining. Well done you!

The views are amazing, good prize after climbing those 500m!
Well done!

Thanks! Yes, I love it up there and it is really good for my legs I think. I got inspired to do more steep uphill workouts.

*When someone tells you that what you want to do is impossible, change the word in your head to hard. What you want to do is hard. Hard is doable – it just requires dedicated work and effort and you can make it happen.

*Resteemed by @runningproject

Nice. Where in nordland is it?

Dette var på Nupentoppen. :)

Ser ut som en nydelig tur! Har så vidt begynt med litt motbakketrening selv, men jeg kan kun gå. Får melkesyre i leggene med en gang hvis jeg prøver småjogging, men etterhvert så kanskje...

Det var en fin tur, tross været. Hos meg er det lårene som svir mest. Må oppsøke den lokale slalombakken for mer trening framover.

Ja, det er lurt! Har vært en del i slalombakken er i det siste og det er utrolig effektivt. Får opp pulsen etter fem steg... 👍😎

What a beautiful place to run!

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