The puppies come out to greet us on a run

in #runninglast year

While we don't really enjoy getting discovered by packs of dogs on our runs since they can be territorial and even vicious, everyone really enjoys it when a pack of puppies come out to greet us on our runs.


Life is a bit different out here in the jungle and for the most part the residents just allow their dogs to multiply unchecked. Unfortunately a lot of the dogs that we encounter probably wont live very long because the farmers aren't overly concerned with providing medical care of the dogs and they mostly just wander all around.

They probably keep the dogs as some sort of security and in many places there can be way too many of them, sometimes in the dozens. In all the years that I have been doing this we have never had a member that was bitten by a dog but that doesn't mean we aren't apprehensive about encountering them.

These little fellas though were probably just going to lick you to death and they came out with their tails wagging and followed us for as long as their little legs would allow.

You can see these sorts of things and more if you decide to come and join us. We are still doing thrice weekly runs on Monday (men only), Thursday (mixed run) and Saturday (mixed run.) Full details are available at our official website


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