Team Hash running event: Do you have what it takes?

in #running4 months ago

This was recently brought to my attention and up until now, I was unaware that an event like this existed. Normally, Hash events are an "everyone for themselves" sort of event where it is only you that you are depending on to get through the trail run as quickly (or slowly) as you want to. A Hash in Malaysia has upped the ante though, and now we have 4 person teams working towards a trail that is a stunning 42 km in length.


It's called the Hash Challenge and this looks like this could be absolutely awesome for anyone brave enough to take it on. The deal is that all 4 members of each team competes as a group to get the full 42km done. The trail has multiple points where someone can be your "relief" runner or if you have a particular person on your team that is stronger/ younger than the others, they can opt to do more of the overall trail run than the other members of the team. At least 1 member of each team must be of the opposite sex and in the Hash at least, this will normally mean that most of the people are men. Globally, men probably account for 75-80% of all Hash House Harrier members, so I am sure we will have many 3 men, 1 woman, teams.

This is one of the more expensive events that I have ever seen but according to our contacts in Malaysia, most of this is because of the fact that beer is significantly more expensive in Malaysia than it is in Thailand or almost any other country around here. As usual you will get a commemorative T-shirt and all transportation is provided.

The phone numbers for more information are already on the pic above and you can also find them, or us, on our social media for additional information and/or questions you might have. Or if you prefer you can go to our official website and even though it isn't our event, we will do the best we can to answer anything you have to say.

I'm really looking forward to this!

On On!


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