Rainy season is upon us but that won't stop us!

in #running4 years ago

The Hash House Harriers is a way of life for most of us that are involved up here in Chiang Mai. No matter what the conditions are, we run and this has always been the case for as long as I have been involved. There has never been a scheduled event that was called off due to weather. We realize that this is the time of year where it is most likely to rain but this doesn't mean we are going to hide in the shade and avoid running. On the contrary. We power through like true Hash House Heros.


Sure we get the odd person who puts on a rain slicker of sorts but for the most part we simply get out there and get dirty. We can deal with it later since most of us bring a change of clothes anyway this isn't a big deal. My theory is that once you are soaking wet it no longer matters so just accept it and keep moving.


This weekend's trail took us north of the city for one of the many "launch points" that we know about that has a covered shelter at the finish line. The run was relatively flat and took us through some pretty deep jungle bits at times. As usual, the hares tried to mess with us in a way to convince us that we were meant to stay on trail when in fact the real trail was "over there somewhere."


You can tell by the powerlines in the picture above that we aint exactly in the middle of nowhere and this is a good thing since most of our members have the intelligence of toddlers and get lost quite easily.. and scared.

So even though the skies looked very menacing nearly the entire day we didn't actually get that much rain after the start. This was actually perfect because it simply cooled it off a bit just in time for our run.

Once again I want to remind any would-be potential Hashers that you do not need to be in phenomenal shape in order to participate. For Example: Just look at this crew.


Two of the people in this picture need canes in order to get around at all. Yet they still manage to do the 5-7 km "run" every single week. "Tiptoe" in the pic above does 2 of them every week and is one of our longest-running members. I don't know how old he is, probably something like 136, but if he can do it, then you can do it.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there, get some exercise, drink some beer, make some friends, and start something that will change your life for the better forever. We do weekly runs on Monday(men only), Thursdays, and Saturdays (last two are both mixed runs.) All are welcome!


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