Pics from last Saturday's Hash meetup

in #running2 years ago

Our weekly run/walk/hike/beers continue in the city each week. This one was a bit unusual and an area that we don't normally go to. Some people don't like the area because it is a bit "domesticated" and there are a bunch of cement paths that we normally frown upon on runs. It was still a very good time with a great turnout though.


We encountered these strange huts along a rice field and they didn't appear to have any plumbing or electricity, or even doors or windows for that matter. We can't really tell what they are doing here. Maybe it was an idea for some sort of affordable nature lodging that just never got finished.


I can't really imagine why anyone would want to hang out around here but if there is one thing I have learned from my years of living in Thailand it that I certainly don't understand all the whims of the local people. Perhaps people just enjoy the quiet getaway and don't really require a lot of creature comforts.


While A lot of the trail was on road, we were also able to get into some jungle fun. It can be tricky when we are traversing rice paddies because we have to be careful to not damage the various retaining walls that they have built out of mud. One thing we definitely don't ever want to do is negatively impact the people whose livelihood is made by farming. This is especially true because we don't exactly ask permission to be here.


In the end we got back to the car park for our usual berating of one another and of course, lots of ice cold beer. Some of the women got together and arranged some food. This isn't a job they are given, they just decide to do it and it is a nice touch even though a lot of the time the nibbles are way too spicy for the average farang.


As the sun fell down we got to regale "Purple Fart" with all the amazing stuff that has happened in his absence during the past year and for some reason he is one of our favorite people to pick on in the circles.


Although there was a bunch of whinging about the cement paths - this was entirely expected. The Hash wouldn't be the Hash if there wasn't a bunch of bitching about things that are totally unnecessary to complain about. We're only trying to look out for your old bones and bulging bellies!


As always all are welcome to join us on our Thursday and Saturday runs. No membership required! I promise you that getting involved in the Hash will change your life for the better!

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