Why I Run, Day Twenty-Six: To Feel the Pain!

in #running7 years ago

Let's be honest, sometimes it's nice to feel the aches and pains along this journey as a reminder that we're still alive.

There have been some very painful experiences in 32 years on this Earth. Loss of my Dad. Divorce. Homelessness. Poverty. Childbirth. Moving so many times. Wisdom teeth. A ring tattoo. Real sickness. Cancer scares. Broken toes. Loss of really good friends. Betrayal. Broken promises. Hurt feelings. The good Lord gives and takes away. Facts of life.

Running can sometimes take the cake! And I cross train plenty....have experienced smashed body parts in the weight room (I tend to lift heavy), water deep in my lungs from open water swims (eww!), crashes and accidents with auto drivers on my bike. Yep.

There is Heartbreak Hill. I did Boston for the check-the-box moment back in 2009. Mile 21 hurt so bad. I cried until someone gave me a mystery beverage that helped numb things. Thanks Westminster.

There's the plantar fasciitis that acted up and running on a broken toe at he BQ Kansas City Marathon in 2008. Oh how that hurt. Seven miles I wanted to die. Thirteen miles I thought I did die as everyone passed me from the pace group three waves back. And as I crossed the finish line...smelling Jack Stack BBQ, I all but died. Ugh!

The Memphis Marathon in 2007. My first taste. It hurt and the slower you go, the more pain you feel for so much longer!

The Frisco Highline Half in 2011. End of April. Hot and muggy. I wept the entire time because everything was tremendously painful. I remember a conversation at six paltry miles with a friend at an aid station about a tumor. I thought it was a tumor. Nope. I was a month pregnant. Went back to the lab that night to confirm it on myself. Running a marathon pregnant - a painful and very defeating thing!

Today, I have a weak set of psoas. Weak hip flexor! I'm delaying running til evening. Trying not to be a wimp! Steem on and out one foot in front of the other. The best part of pain is winning against it and overcoming what is getting you down! :)

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