Splinterlands: Runi FOMO

in #runi2 years ago


I cannot say that I am surprised when it comes to Splinterlands and FOMO in the same sentence! I knew it would happen as the excitement of minting Runi was even more than that of opening packs in game. It started with some speculation of trying to chase the elusive gold foil Runi as I still want to have mostly Gold Foils for my playing Collection. Then, the team gave some additional benefits to minting multiple which was just another excuse for me to FOMO in.

I do not think I was particularly successful with my minting of 20 Runi as I did not get a Gold Foil nor did I really get any unique combinations. In fact, even after 20 mints, I think that my first Runi, the Ape, is the best and the one I will use in game for playing my Collection. I do see some opportunities to combine them for some building of uniqueness around them but I do have to consider whether it will economically make sense to do so. It was unfortunate but at least I can probably consider myself to be in some unique club of having so many.

This was significant for me as I had never really used my Ether for anything in the past. I had been accumulating my Ether for staking which I ultimately did not do which provided me the liquidity to going down this rabbit hole with Runi. While I still think Ether is likely the better short term investment, I trust the Splinterlands team on this being a unique part of the project for years to come as it will be the bridge to a larger community. Only time will tell!

Timing was probably the culprit when it comes to Runi for Splinterlands. Being in a bear market never helps projects and the swings seen in NFTs were likely a reason why we did not sell out. My thought is that not being sold out may be a hidden treasure as now Runi are almost half as scarce then intended. If utility is added and more are combined/burned, we could have a scarcity issue if they become a key piece of the future ecosystem being built. My trust remains although I am biased with my latest round of FOMO!

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