Run For Steem: Quick Race Update & Unofficial Contest Results

Hey everyone!  Since I had so many of you wonderful folks behind me as I blazed through my half marathon this morning, I wanted to take just a quick minute to give you a mini recap.  I will definitely do a more detailed post when I get back from vacation.  Until then, I was too excited not to share how well this race went!

May as well sneak in my #runforsteem entry before we head out since I do not plan on doing any more running until we get back.  Looks like @jumowa is getting more and more runners joining in weekly, but there's always room for more.  Check out the challenge post for rules to enter:

The official race results are not up yet, which is not surprising considering the organizers had to stage a race down a mountain AND clean up after.  I think my Garmin time should be pretty close to my chip time, though, so I am pretty sure I have the winners of my little contest to guess my final time.  I will wait until next week when I get back to do the payout and confirm as I did say I was going to go by the official race results.  As it stands now these are the awesome folks who got the closest:

  1. @maruharraca
  2. @marenontherun
  3. @anthrovegan

So what was my time?

Wahoo--a new PR!  Even if the official time is a few seconds off, it is over 4:30 minutes off my best previous attempt at the half marathon distance, and almost 10 minutes faster than the one in March!  I even placed third in my age group for the first time ever at that distance.  What a day!

I won't share too much now since I want to be able to spend a little more time on my full recap, but truly a huge thank you to everyone who joined in to guess my time or just give me some cheers along the way!  Being a part of @runningproject and joining in on #runforsteem has been such a big boost to my motivation.  I thought about all of you as I gritted my teeth and kept my feet moving this morning.

Now I'm off to rest my legs, try to make my feet look halfway presentable for sandals, and get ready to enjoy an unplugged week of well-earned vacation.  Have a fantastic week everyone!


Wow Congrats on this milestone ✅👌

Thanks! Always fun to hit a different level! :)

Congratulations that's a great time!

Thanks so much! I am definitely very content with how it turned out!

Hahaha! Better than expected then!!!

I knew I had sub-2 hours, was hoping for a PR around 1:54, so definitely better than expected! Nice when your mind and body work together for a great result! ;)

Congratulations, hats off. That's an excellent result!

Thank you! I almost cried at the finish line, ha!

I can totally understand you, I'm an ex runner :)

Congratulations! Nice time!

I appreciate it!

Katie congratulations, it's great! You leave very beautiful and happy in your photo !. You must be very excited about that PR. I hope you have an excellent vacation, rest but do not forget to put your recipes! Hugs!

It was a wonderful way to head out on vacation! I very much enjoyed the week of rest. I'll be back to posting food this week. :)

I hope one day I could run like this. Bravo. well-earned vacation.

It took me about 8 years of racing to get to this result, but anything is possible if you put the work in! Thank you for the kind words!

Congrats! Nice job. Been years since i ran at that pace. Hopefully i could get back there soon. Nice work u crushed it!

Thanks! Good luck on your race! I'm sure you will do well!

Congratulations! That’s an excellent time and I’m just happy to have lost that bet to such a good time! Looking forward to your recap.

Thank you! I actually thought you might be dead-on with your guess, but I won't complain about doing better! I am well rested after some beach time and plan on doing a full recap tomorrow. :)

Woo well done!!!!

Thank you! It was a great experience!

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