Run For Steem: Quarter Mile Intervals in the Neighborhood

Happy Wednesday everyone!  I am pumped to join in on @jumowa's #runforsteem challenge for the second time this week.  Although I do really enjoy running, I had been having some motivation issues lately during this cold winter.  Having a little extra push by joining in on here has definitely given me a kick-start to get the routine going again!  The more the merrier, so check out the challenge post to join in for this week:

I hadn't planned on running Monday since I had worked out with some of my co-workers in the morning, but it turned out to be such a nice day I couldn't resist!  (We had worked mostly upper body with very little cardio, so I promise I didn't overtrain!)  It was a little chilly in the wind, but the sun definitely made up for it.  The weather forecast is a little hit or miss the rest of the week, so while I am trying to get my mileage in when I can instead of trying to follow a rigid training protocol.

I try to throw in at least one day of speed work a week.  Since I felt good after getting a massage and cupping on Friday, as well as a chiropractic adjustment Monday morning, I decided to get my intervals in for this run.  I also didn't want to go for a long run after already working out earlier.  You can see on my times that I was not completely consistent, but that was mostly due to my neighborhood being fairly hilly.  I used the interval timer on my Garmin and just tried to run within the prescribed distance according to my rate of perceived exertion instead of focusing on my speed.  I did 8 x .25 miles with a 90-second rest in between where I just ran slower to recover.

I felt great on this run again, especially after getting my hips and low back worked on.  I know I will have some ugly runs here and there in my training, but if the majority feel like this then I am a happy runner!

Wishing everyone fast and light steps on your runs this week!


I understand that your motivation is hard to find with this weather. But if you have run, then it feels extra good. Succes!

Absolutely! It's like a lot of things in life--hard to get going, but then so rewarding once you do that it keeps you moving forward! :)

Somehow this photo reminds me that stranger things girl, not sure why 😅

She's cool, so I'll take it as a compliment! ;) Haha!

I don't blame you for struggling with motivation during the Winter. Its so cold and not inviting to go outside most of the time...much rather run in Fall and Spring!

I am a bit of a fair weather runner, too. It's just not worth it to me if it's miserable outside! But I am learning it's not always as bad as you think it is. I almost always feel better when I'm done!

Nice! I'm so impressed! Mostly because my cardio has suffered bigtime since having twins. lol! It's hard to find the time to get out and walk/run/hike... Maybe I should set up an interval timer and do some tabatas inside. Thanks for the motivation! :)

Thanks so much! Glad I could give you a little motivation! Having one child is tough enough, but I can imagine having twins makes it even harder to find the time and energy.

I love tabatas! It's a great way to get in a quick but still really effective workout. I do those a lot when I'm relegated to the treadmill. Helps the time pass quicker!

Well done on getting out there and good work fir doing a speed session. I encourage all my runners to do some speedwork, as long as they don't forget the slow stuff too!

Thanks so much! Yeah, I try to get a good balance in between my intensities, while still leaving room for my strength training. Now if I could only find time to get some yoga in I would be good to go! ;)

This is great my dear friend! I can’t run! I don’t like it even to run after the bus! Lol
P/s: keep it up! :)

Haha! @dksart doesn't run either, but he's always ready to cheer me on!

Ok I also need some motivation to start make some training or work out again! I started a while ago with running but somehow I didnt continue, Will start again tomorrow hehe!;)

Just take it one day at a time. Before you know it you'll make it a habit! 😀

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