Run For Steem: Last Long Run Before My First Half of the Season!

Hey everyone!  I'm posting once again for my contribution to the #runforsteem initiative by @jumowa!  Seriously, even if you only run occasionally, you should join us!  The latest post by our gracious host is here in case you want to check out the rules and hit the pavement!  And while you're at it, come join the @runningproject, as well.  You may see someone you know posting nutrition tips to help fuel the other runners. ;)

I am very happy to report that I finally have my allergies in check!  My little blue pot is waiting for me to use once again after my long run today just to make sure I'm staying on top of the pollen.  It has cooled off a bit the last day or so, which probably helps on the allergy end of things and made for a very pleasant run this morning.  I hope some nice weather gets to many of you--I know a lot of the other runners on here have been running in sub-freezing conditions!

Today was just about perfect running weather in my book.  Sunny and clear, with temps around 45 degrees Fahrenheit when I started and close to 55 when I ended.  My fingers and ears are pretty sensitive, so I did keep my gloves on for about half the time and my headband on for the duration.  I also broke out one of my other brightly-colored pairs of warmer running leggings. ;)

Despite the lovely conditions, I was struggling a little bit mentally with preparing for my longest run so far this year.  I was pretty happy hitting the 10-mile mark, but I knew I would feel even better prepared to hit 11.  Thus I took a few deep breaths and set out to get it done.

As usual, it only took a few miles to get in the groove.  It's hard to stay negative in any way when you can finally breathe well for the first time in a week and you have a beautiful neighborhood to enjoy.  By the time I made it around to the 6.5 mile mark (where I could have cut easily back home) I was really getting in the groove.  It didn't hurt that I had a nice downhill stretch ahead of me at that point. ;)

I managed to crank out another negative split, so I hope I can translate that even when starting out faster on race day.  I really tried not to push too hard once again since I am on the home stretch to the half marathon.  Although I have my watch right on my wrist the whole time, I really only check at the mile marks and keep most of the run going by feel.  My legs were definitely tired by the last mile or two, but I also forgot to bring a few dates to fuel.  Anything over 90 minutes I usually will try to power up with my favorite fruit.  I will definitely have them with me for the actual race.

I think this is the most successful prep I've had in a while, thanks to my interaction with all of the great runners on here!  I feel really good for the 10th and I'll even have another 7 weeks to keep building for my goal race in April!  Thank you guys for the support and sharing your own experiences on the street.  I'm already excited for race day, now even more so to share it with my Steemit buddies. :)

Have a healthy week everyone!


I'm jealous! I've been taking it super easy since I started getting some stress reaction type pain in my foot halfway through my marathon training...

Oh that's a bummer! Have you gotten it checked out to see if it's anything serious? I've been pretty lucky so far, but I've really been trying to stay on top of my mobility work. Since this run I've spent a lot of time rolling out my feet and calves especially as they were pretty tight. My breakdown usually occurs at my hips, so I do a lot of stretching and work at that point, too. Even with doing longer runs I think I still spend more time recovering than I do actually running! I'll send some healing thoughts in your direction!!

I'm pretty sure it's not serious, because I started taking it easy right when I started feeling something. I had foot injuries.... pretty much every year for the last four years during marathon training, so this time I just instantly stepped back and I've been mainly incline walking to try to keep SOME kind of cardio going. It just sucks because last year I ended up around peak condition at the marathon but my sister was sick, so I took it easy to run with her, and this time it looks like I'll be the weakest link... sigh. Part of the issue is I'm like 195 lbs, so I have a feeling the support in my shoes might wear out quicker than usual.

Well that's good you eased up right away to prevent further injury. I hope it doesn't hinder you too badly. Shoes really are so important. I try to change mine out as soon as I feel like they are starting to wear too much. I think @mad-runner is going to be posting some articles for @runningproject about shoes and other gear, so might be cool to check out some of the tips! Stay healthy out there! 😀

I really should get me a running app... we do a small daily-ish run in the national park before we do some exercising at home.

You should! The most important part is getting out and doing it, but it's nice to be able to track it. And of course I am very much enjoying the interaction it brings with the running community on here. 😀

I'll see if I can find one of those Fitbit things in Phnom Penh. We have to go there in a week to pick up my parents... though I could use my phone to I do not like running with things in my hand or pocket. If I don't find a Fitbit I might find a thingie to stick my phone to my arm... not sure how you call those but I have seen people with those too.

I'm with you on running with something in my hand, it's just not comfortable. I have a case I can strap to my arm, but even that feels bulky so I only use it if I have to. Apparently I'm more high maintenance than I thought! ;) Hopefully you can find something that works for you!

Have to check it out! Thanks for the tips Katie!!

Thanks as always for taking the time to stop by! 😁

Happy to hear your allergies are under control! 11 miles!!! Congratulations girl! Keep it up!

Thanks Maru! Me too! Hopefully it won't be too bad when the blanket of pollen really rolls in. 🌻 I'm feeling good for my race next Saturday! I know I'll have all my Steemit buddies there with me in spirit. 🤗

Those tights are a totally rad color. You are totally rocking the negative split game. In all my years of running (15) I have always had a hard time strategizing the negative splits. I've done it before but it's hard to consistently do. Any tips?

Thanks! I have a lot of black and grey in my fitness wardrobe, but definitely plenty of fun bright colors, too.

I think because I love the 5k distance it was hard for me to learn how to pace myself for longer distances. It's only been in the last year or two that I have been more consistent with the negative splits. Even on race day I purposely check myself a bit in the first few miles so I don't go out guns blazing. My problem previously was always going out too fast. It's hard sometimes, but I just try to check in with my body and know well enough now how to feel out a sustainable pace. Then once I hit the halfway mark I know even if it hurts I can gut it out at a faster pace.

I don't run with music anymore, so that may have helped me personally. I also try not to rely too much on my Garmin and run more by feel. I'll think if I have any other ideas for you, but maybe that helps you a bit I hope. I'd be curious to see what some of the other guys would suggest. 🤔

Thats an impressive run @plantstoplanks keep it up.

Thank you! It's nice to taper on a high note!

"Consider each training as a race with a finish line."

Resteemed by @runningproject

Kind reminder:

Check new nominated Running Authors of the week and vote for yours!

Nice, this inspired me to start running again, I took a break six months ago and since then I have never been able to pick it up again, but I'm gonna do it now haha, thanks for the inspiration (:

Yay!! If you have a running app or GPS watch you should definitely join in! I can't say enough how it has helped with my motivation already knowing that I have this growing group of virtual running buddies. 😁

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