Run For Steem: A Couple of Takes on Summer Speed Work

Happy Wednesday!  I hope everyone is having a great week so far.  I've got my #runforsteem entry today with my basic quarter mile repeats yesterday, but also wanted to share my pyramid scheme from last week that I am going to start adding in more often to my training plan.  Besides just wanting to work on my shorter distance race times, I am incorporating more strength work into my weekly exercise regime again and shorter, speedier runs definitely pair much better with that style of lifting.  I enjoy changing up my goals from season to season as it helps keep me working hard in different ways and helps prevent burnout (in mind and body).

To satisfy our host @jumowa's requirements for the weekly #runforsteem initiative (current post here), I'll start with my run yesterday.  It was quite soupy outside after raining overnight, but at least the temperature wasn't too bad.  The humidity definitely makes all efforts just a bit tougher since I feel like I need gills to breathe well. ;)

I've still been able to get out early, and that definitely helps.  On the docket for the day was a basic 1:1 scheme of quarter mile repeats.  I still haven't made it to the track, but I'm making the most of my Garmin and using the interval option more often to make it easier to know when to speed up or recover.

After warming up for about a half mile I did six repetitions of a quarter mile faster with an equal distance of recovery.  I had a pretty good pace for 3-5, but tanked a little on the last one.  Ideally I'd like to be closer to a 7-minute mile on my repeats as that is right at my 5k goal pace.  Now that I've done this scheme once, I can pay closer attention the next time I do it and see what kind of progress I can make.  I know at this point a lot of my improvements are not only going to be physical but also mental.  Just gotta keep my eyes on my goals and push through a little discomfort to make progress!

For the other run last week I wanted to share, I also finally figured out how to add a workout to my Garmin with a more detailed scheme.  Again, it makes it a lot easier when you don't have access to a track as it will beep to let you know when to kick it into gear.  I like incorporating pyramids into my strength training, but I don't often do it with my running.  A pyramid scheme generally just means you start out lower on your distance/reps, work your way up, then take it back down in reverse.

It's a little tough to decipher just looking at my stats, so here is the workout (after the warmup):

100 meter sprint: 100 meter recovery

200 meter sprint: 200 meter recovery

300 meter sprint: 300 meter recovery

400 meter sprint: 400 meter recovery

300 meter sprint: 300 meter recovery

200 meter sprint: 200 meter recovery

100 meter sprint: cool down

This was definitely a fun change of pace.  Like my run yesterday, looking at my speeds from this other run I need to get a better feel for where I should be on each of my reps.  My fastest pace was actually on my first 200 meter interval, and my 400's were faster than my 300's. shared a great article on 10k training for the @running project this week, so I may look more into some of the tools he uses to get a more solid approach to my pacing even if I am not following the exact plan. :) Another running pal, @toofasteddie, also seems to be a master of the track with some great inspiration and ideas on this type of training.  Love having all of these other great running folks on here to help hone my own training!

I think I am set on my goal 5k being the September race I have done multiple times in the past.  It is a fast course, and the weather is usually a little more agreeable after the sweltering summer by then.  I have another one in August that benefits a great children's charity that I may use just to see where these next few months put me.  I have a tendency to fall off a bit during the summer, so I'm really trying not to this year!

Happy trails my friends!


Thanks for the mention mate!
Great workout!

Absolutely! I always enjoy seeing what you put together for your track workouts, so happy to spread the word in case anyone else needs a little inspiration. ;)

Cool, informative post with a recipe for repetitions - thank you!

Happy to share! :)

Congratulations lady! You won the #yasminepcontest this week! LOVED your entry! Your 1 SBD is with you now ;-)

Oh wow! Thanks so much! I thought it was such a great idea, so it helped me bring my best to the table! Looking forward to what you have next. :)

Very tough session, especially in the humidity! Good job :)

Thanks! Yeah, the humidity around here can get a little rough in the summertime, but still worth getting out and getting it in! :)

Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.
Dean Karnazes

*Resteemed by @runningproject

Nice work. Yeah that pyramid looks really tough. We do similar work in the pool for swim squad but have not tried that on the run...will have to give it a go.

Thanks! If was a good challenge for sure. Should be even tougher when I nail down my pacing a bit better to really push myself! ;)

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