#runforsteem 6.5 mile Run - I Thought Christmas was Over?

in #runforsteem6 years ago

This is my weekly #runforsteem post as initiated by @jumowa. Today I ran 6.5 miles in 65 minutes. The weather was chilly & I'm wondering if winter will ever be over?? Luckily, much of the black/ hard to see ice had melted from the sidewalks & pavements but it was still cold at 29 degrees & my blasted asthma was acting up. Oh well. I still made it!
I never regret running and this was a good stress relieving run for me even though my average pace was "too slow." I know my times will improve with warmer weather. My lungs just don't do well in this cold. Bleh. I guess it is well fitting since it is so cold that these people still have their Christmas lights up. These lights could actually be left up all year I really love them they aren't overtly screaming Christmas & are aesthetically pleasing.
I suppose it would be a bit of a hassle to take them down, especially the blue ones in the large tree!

As always, thx to @jumowa for creating this fun weekly challenge. It's definitely cool to be able to share my runs with you guys. Check out this post for more info & all the rulez:

Happy trails my steemit runners. Thx for visiting my blog.


Congratulations for running that distance with asthmatic symptoms @chelsea88 Well Done! I love that pretty lighting on those trees. Very attractive.

Thanks! I've had asthma for 17 years so I can run with it now because I know breathing techniques. It only acts up in the cold

And here I am, complaining about a little summer heat putting me off my daily walk at times! I think I’d better just suck it up and be inspired by people like you @chelsea88 ☀️🚶🏼‍♀️

Haha thx. Getting motivated can be tough sometimes but you can do it

Consistency, good job!!!

Much appreciated

That is just crazy ! The lights and running that much! haha the sad thing is I sat in traffic that long and to go about the same distance .

Oh man! Yeah I have been accused of the crazy streak before. That sux about the traffic I have the same problem if I go towards DC

Heck yes! good job running its about the best thing we can do for ourselves!

We may train or peak for a certain race, but running is a lifetime sport.
Alberto Salazar

*Resteemed by @runningproject

Don’t forget to “Vote your Running Author of the Week”

I'm clapping for you here in Georgia! 👏 Next time I think about complaining about the weather I'll think of you and shut my mouth! It's warming up a bit around here, so I am trying to get my road mileage up finally. Spring racing season is fast approaching!!

That's true! What's spring?
Kidding. Been a long winter lol.

I love this post and the pictures. It is so cold here too and I decided to skate today outside. The funny part is I think I skated about 6.5 or 7K. I am not sure. Tell me more about runforsteem. I am interested. Please

Is it an artsy neighborhood? Cool shot.

No it's not an artsy neighborhood really.

Hi again :). We have a bit in common. My wife and I are both runners and a track/cross country coaches. I have to check out this run challenge thing.

Hello! Fantastic, more runners on steemit! You should def check out the post for the rules it's not too complicated and is a fun community initiative =)

On it. I guess I just wait for the @jumowa’s next post and then follow the directions? Thinking about heading out today but it’s raining cats and dawgs.

Nice run! I’m still trying to get over a cold so I haven’t been able to run.

Oh no, sorry to hear it. Crap is going around! Hope you feel better soon

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