Monday Rundown

in #rundown6 years ago


How's everyone doing? Good? Bad? Mediocre? Well, hang in there. Christmas is almost upon us, so get all that shopping and wrapping done so you can sit back and relax.

With my second book done and published, Supercide draft one done, and Deathwish concluded, I can finally relax a bit. Well, at least until I remember I have a posting schedule to maintain. Oh well, I have no shortage of ideas.

Here is the lineup for this week:

  • Tuesday: IMHO: Aeon Legion
  • Wednesday: New Series Pilot: Out of Sight
  • Thursday: Meandering Musing: My Ideal Government
  • Friday: Meme Friday

As an aside, both Metastasis(from last week) and Out of Sight are based in the Gatekeepers fictional universe, something I use in a lot of my writing. Knowing that is not necessary to enjoy the story, but it can enhance understanding of the world the stories are based in.

Also, Metastasis got such a surprisingly strong response that I do plan on continuing it. I still need to draft a rough outline and get a few chapters written, though, so for now I will be continuing with some more series pilots. I would be fine with running multiple series at once, but I want to make sure I don't write myself into a corner.

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