sunday in hickville maybe im just bored enough to post a post myself : the frozen wastes


where hell freezes over

It's no secret i have no love for this town ... the swamp where old people and ideas come to die ... stuck in a place i hated since i was 15 cuzzz my exes ex-neighbour happened to be a date-raping son-of-a-cop (is that an f-word?)
Plus a few dozen other incidents , but i dont wanna talk about that now

beware the night king

You'll have to pardon my lack of fancy lettertypes and shiney gifs in this but i don't think it would suit the sphere. The place ... what's left of it ... is as rural as it gets (here)

There's no trains in and out from friday evening until monday morning for instance ... lucky the people who have weekend jobs (i hope they have a car) but it does have a few spots left, despite the fact that its mini-city aspirations don't become it very well and every land plot seems to be for sale as the rats try to make the most of this sinking ship called Hellgium.
Winter can make it look great even ... virgin great like buried under virgin white ... on the other hand it does remind me of dante's frozen hell ...
Hell really freezes over here on a decent winter, people with cars don't like that, but i don't have one, so


The tree in the center of the 1970s social housing project here, i call it Ygdrassil, referring to the Norse (not nazi you retard) mythology ... its the center really and the oldest ... a reminder of how this whole place was forest before they sold it off and levelled it


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the church ..... "looming over as it was intended ... looks a lot better on foggy nights xD ... built with blood and sweat IN THE NAME OF JESUS, the bloodgod and the raped goddess ...


the latest priest has actually succeeded in getting people back to church (not me, clearly ... the church of rome and their prosecution of cats is NOT my friend .... well, yea theres this inquisition thing too ... but thats the same thing really ... let's not mention the pedo's right ... like that series euh whats it called ehm ???!?

THE KEEPERS (highly recommended ... like the Putin interviews but for different reasons) i couldnt help but notice similarities, a few years ago there was a reverse witch hunt after the fact where suddenly one pebble started an avalanche and people who got abused as a kid by the church of romes servants popped up everywhere all around the place ... to no avail ofcourse ... the church will never admit and most crimes were past expiry date ....
well, no i dont think there shouldnt be a time limit since courts have to spend many many tax euros on prosecuting downloadmom the copyright terrorist now and thats obviously more important than rape or violent housejacking but i DO think kids should be made aware that there not a thing in the world that cant be talked about ... if your kid is scared to tell you something, ANYTHING , even murder, i think you're a lousy parent and you should have been sterilized

well, for all i care, id pump oestrogen in the clouds so guys grew hairy tits and no woman could bear a child for at least 20 years ... that should solve a lot of world trubbles ... the main cause of about everything is overpopulation, and the best solution those old vampires in the towers of mordor seem to come up with is


something with pension funds they wasted while shifting money they couldnt put back and all that, the solution according to many expensive committees is to breed more, so there's more workforce to pay more taxes to fix that 20 years from now .
as of to day, no one has been able to explain what exactly this increased spawnrate will be given to do for a living (read for a taxing) since if they got 25% or more youth unemployment now and automation wont stop its gonna make things a LOT worse ... but i was talking winter wonderland here, right

(told you i have lots to say, steemist just isnt worth the time it takes to write a bit or a byte or a dword like this ... for me ... for now ..)


So, down the beaten path we go ... further into the frozen wastes (these pictures date a few year back but who cares, right ... if i took some now you would sue me for depression) ... i also notice steemit has by now completely deleted my post every time i upload a foto ... if i didnt know it better by now and copy-pasted it in a .txt file every five words i might be discouraged (which is probably the intention, after all ... an ex-con with no official degrees is not allowed an opinion, certainly not to speak, and certainly CANT be allowed to sound irrevokably right and make sense cos YOU CANT DO THAT IF YOU DIDNT GO TO COLLEGE , IT MAKES THE SUITS LOOK BAD, they had to study SO hard on daddymoney all those years ... well, suit ... i always say i shoulda quit school sooner, i could read before first grade which gave me like exponential headstart on data input and interpretation to a lot of others and i actually didnt really learn ANYTHING until i quit school ... after that i learned SO many things since i wasnt restricted to what the state of soviet belgium deemed "good" for education" i shoulda quit when i was sixteen , have myself declared legal adult and started someting small, but what did i know back then, not a kid, not a grown-up (still not a grown-up ... growing up is a TRAP)
and up the hill we go, maybe the oldest building in town

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As with all places born from catholicism ... the church still holds grip as hard as it can ... there's a small community of people maintaining the chapels, which i call shrines to the raped goddess ...
they're open .. unguarded and for some reason unmolested ... they close them after dark ofcourse ...

About every chapel and shrine here is dedicated to sister Meriam (i think she's the muslim version thats why i use the name, i WAS studying socio-cultural work after all before they ripped me out of life and stuck me in catholic neonazi hickville)
Which, ...mwell ... i cant say i know a lot about the history of the place other than that its REALLY the gravelpits of flanders ... all hard labout here, it still shows, REAL MEN work with their hands, especially HARD, harder than others for less (i never got how that is something to boast about until i understood catholicism)

see the religion is about sufffering, the acceptance of it, turning the other cheek, its all very convenient to a medieval feudal lord who is the symbol of leadership, given the right to rule by god (which all makes it a fine symbol for male dictatorship, but if you think about it ALL monotheism is inherently intolerant (hence the "mono-" , even factions row internally, not just sunis and the other whats it ... shiites (had to look that up i wasnt sure about the shiats shyits) ... but not limited to ... christianity has a great bloody history of persecuting its own believers if they happen to be on the other side of the one true god of the current overlord)

how are my brackets ? did i close them ? am i gonna get a compiling error here on editorial notes?

i was taught actually monotheism is derived from three ancient tribes who back then (thats quite a while ago, somewhat BEFORE baby jesus creationized the world 2000 years ago) and guess what

they're still at it

christians muslims jews .. i have a bible and a quran here on a shelf, sitting hext to each other for years ... lightning hasnt struck this house once, and its the highest point on the hill /chucklez ... maybe if i got a tora but alas i never had the pleasure of having a religious judaist in my personal circles ... thats a bit of a shame, first hand info is always the ONLY info

and winter wonderland i'll save the theo-filo for later (maybe, i dont often feel like wasting time on writing and my thoughts will be mine so i could write them any time i guess, they're mostly not convenient cos i call a nigger a nigger cos niggers call niggers niggers and i cant stand hippiecrites ... doesnt make me a nazi btw .... im not left, im not right, im not center, im out there in the bubble universe ... NO ONE IS IN CHARGE HERE, votes dont have weight, theres IS no voting cos there is no need for it)
yet another topic ...
i'll leave out the "graveyard-by-night" section for another day when i feel bored enough and up and down we go until we almost reach the end of the world

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At the steps of the last homely home ... only the bold and the daring go beyond the rim ...


from here it gets dangerous , nightwalkes sometimes venture this far to lay waste to the place thats already wasted beyond repair
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used to be quite lively but its basically residential now, 90% or more of all cafes and restaurants are closed, a few supermarkets took over all the small shops there's basically nothing ... computer stores dont even have amd cpus in stock lol (what computer stores ? o well there's two ... mainly aimed at ageing populace who don't know what they're doing, mostly selling laptops i suppose ...

the old windmill ...


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another flemish success story ... the thing is somewhat cultural heritage ... a "monument" if you like , they let it ROT for decades until it was at the verge of collapse ... THEN spent oodles and ZOUNDS of money on it to restore it, cleaned up the whole terrain ( i was working as the lawnmower man for the township back then) ... then like open it a few days a year to the public ...
which is good, cos they shoulda maintained it in the first place but BAD cos they might try moving one of the social hubs to overthere so its all year but you know

solutions on micro-, meso-, and macro-level, communicated in proper legalese to local and national authority


its pretty cool though , very photo-genic but thats about all it is then

Past the house of Dog Bombadil ...


The last shrine of the raped goddess to ward of the invasion of the evergrowing army of the dead

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from here only the nightwatch goes

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Any further .... you're in the domain of the night king ... over yonder hill


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well then ... don't say i never ADD any contribution or content to this magnificent community of marketeers and crypto-capitalists ... i wonder what its worth spending two hours on steemit instead of five minutes ...

let me remind you i HATE this fucking town since i was 15, thats never gonna change

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